
One time, my friend who recieved his black belt at the same time I did, was taking a math class from a professor, who was also taking the tae kwon do class at the university. He said it was cool to go from class and then get to give his professor pushups and kick him around. Ah, if only...
arnisador said:
I don't have my test banks with me as I'm on sabbatical this year. I usually choose problems from the book (unassigned problems) for the lower two years, and probblems from other books from the upper two years!
as i student i would expect that
i'd say if you choose from the first 60% of the questions behind a lession then you're an easy teacher, if you choose from the last questions then you require me to think, but when you get questions from your masters classes then you're a difficult teacher.
Thank God I happened to understand math, i dont know how it happened, but somehow it makes sense to me!
bignick said:
One time, my friend who recieved his black belt at the same time I did, was taking a math class from a professor, who was also taking the tae kwon do class at the university. He said it was cool to go from class and then get to give his professor pushups and kick him around. Ah, if only...
I had some of my freshmen from my cal. class in the JKD/BJJ class I wa staking this past year. Luckily, I outranked them! One seemed nervous when he had to stick-spar with my son...
arnisador said:
Hey now! Everybody loves math.! Right?


This is me:
You must be doing something right if your "easiness" score is only 2.6 out of 5. Seriously, you have some nice comments from students there. The few unkind comments seem to come from students who want and easy ride.

BTW, my math tutor (a hobby of mine is learning physics) is one of my students. I don't make him do pushups if he doesn't like my work. LOL.

To get back to the thread at hand, it is a good idea, in theory at least, to have a place where MA teachers are rated. However, good teachers would probably get low scores from Johnnie's or Susie's mother if he or she didn't get a black belt within two years. Better just to do a search on MT on an instructor or start a thread. Three times threads here on MT have been started by prospective students of local (NO California) instructors who I know personally. I recommended one, was neutral on the other, kept my FREAKIN mouth shut on the third (if you can't say something nice, ...).