I consider myself to be in ok shape right now. Not really out of shape but not in great shape either. I think only one of my 2 pics uploaded, so that isn't the entirety of what my 6 day routine would entail. Would lifting 5lb weights help much?
5lbs is really the bottom end of a useful weight to lift, it can certainly be used if you lifting it very slowly with out stretched arms, shoulder raises for instance or very quickly , as long as you end up killing the muscle it's giving benefit,
People are giving Progammes that have worked for them and they will all work for you for a while to some extent. Perhaps some basic rules of thumb to guide you
Intensity , effort is everything to both Fitness ,muscle growth and weight loss, you see lots of people 80% their way through a work out, gains are made not with the 5,10,30 reps you do, but with the extra one you do at the end when your nearly dead, and then the three half reps you do after that
Duration, you can work out long or you can work out hard, you can't do both, people tell you they work out for an hour every day, then you see them and it's ten mins, Actual hard exercise And a lot of not very much to fill the other 50 mins, 10 mins flat out is better than an hour of messing about.
Frequency, if you working with intensity, then you need rest, every good happens when your resting, smash the muscle group and then leave it alone for at least three days, 6 days programmed won't get you to you goal any faster and quite possible slow you down.
The adaptation process takes a couple of days to run it's course and then another day to get full strength back, if you can train again sooner, the first one wasn't hard enough. IE not enough intensity to trigger adaptation.
NB ,rest days don't need to be saT with your feet up, do you technique training, , skipping a bit of running ect, stuff that gets the blood flowing and speeds recovery