Dungeons and Dragons

Kreth said:
I guess I can let you slide on orange vs. red for the d6. And here's your prize: a Martial Talk pocket protector. Congratulations!

Neato! That'll really match with my calculator watch and velcro Spidey shoes!

As for the storyline, I was also thinking about a sub plot. Perhaps some ppl weren't looking for spiritual redemption. Maybe they were evil themselves, or at least fascinated by evil.

They wanted the souls, not of purity but of darkness. They wanted to experience the psychic rush from taking on the souls of murderers, rapists, and the like.

Maybe the minister, Ben, has had his soul exchanged for a pure soul but Ben's original dark soul is being sold around. It knows that Amelia knows about his crimes and so it wants her dead.

But her problem is that it keeps passing from one person to the next. ... maybe that's too much like the movie Fallen, but it seemed like it might work.

Also, I have to keep in mind that, in general, the ppl who are exchanging their souls are not evil. They are ppl just like us: decent ppl who carry heavy emotional burdens. They want to be able to laugh again, to enjoy what the world holds. They want hope.

So, if the devil isn't collecting evil souls and he's trading off pure souls, what does he want with the "lost" souls of the average person?

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