Dumb or Bad Ideas in the Martial Arts

Actually anything RothRocks done lately seems focus on the clevage, which as time passe sis getting to be a not-so-good idea
The WTF emphasizing tournament competition to the point that the real, lifelong benefits of traditional training are being lost to the urge to win medals.
The Kai said:
Promoting Kids under 9 years old to black belt

Karate Kid
Even worse Karate Kid 2
almost purely maleficent -Karate Kid 3
Mc Dojos

Karate Kid was awesome...come on now! Except for part 4 with the chick...now THAT sucked.... :)
Tulisan said:
Karate Kid was awesome...come on now! Except for part 4 with the chick...now THAT sucked.... :)
I thought Part 1 had kind of a nice story. They progressively got worse after that.
The one where they pretend to go to Okinawa (part 2?)sucked the big hoo-hoo.
it didn't look like Okinawa, the people didn't act like Okinawans....and the bit with the tea ceremony.....paaaalease. A couple of shooters of Awamori maybe but "Japanese" tea ceremony.....not bloody likely.
Your right, 4 was the worst though.
You know why they couldnÂ’t use Ralph M in 4 donÂ’t you?

Hell by the time part 4 came out they would to have called it “Karate Man”!
The guy was like 30 something by then.
MichiganTKD said:
1)[font=&quot] [/font]What do you think have been some of the dumbest or just plain bad ideas in martial arts history over the years? Could be very recent, could be centuries old. Describe what you think have been some missteps taken by the MA community over the years, or ideas that, in retrospect, probably should not have happened. Can be serious, but doesn't have to be.

2) Jean Claude van Damme being issued a U.S. green card (just kidding!)

1)[font=&quot] [/font]Karate adopting belt ranks from Judo….bad idea anyway you look at it. I think Karate should have stayed with the old method…..those that CAN do, those that can’t fade away. Also, the adoption of JKA “tippy-tap” type tornaments…..it’s just creates “paper tigers”. I think people should be willing to endure a certain level of discomfort if they are doing a martial art……if they can’t hack it maybe ballet is more their style. Nobody ever said MA are for everyone so I don’t know why people try to dumb them down.

2)[font=&quot] [/font]I blame his parents. Some people just shouldnÂ’t procreate. Reminds me of a scene from "Full Metal Jacket".....
RRouuselot said:
I thought Part 1 had kind of a nice story. They progressively got worse after that.
The one where they pretend to go to Okinawa (part 2?)sucked the big hoo-hoo.
it didn't look like Okinawa, the people didn't act like Okinawans....and the bit with the tea ceremony.....paaaalease. A couple of shooters of Awamori maybe but "Japanese" tea ceremony.....not bloody likely.

HEY! It made perfect sense to me when I was in elementary school! :rofl:

And do you mean to tell me that Japan is different then Okinawa....it's all the same thing right? :rolleyes:

Your right, 4 was the worst though.
You know why they couldnÂ’t use Ralph M in 4 donÂ’t you?

Hell by the time part 4 came out they would to have called it “Karate Man”!
The guy was like 30 something by then.

I think they should have used Ralph anyways, but given it an office theme where he works in a cubical at an IT department somewhere, and has to deal with the guy over the next wall who is a major dickhead and is related to their immediate supervisor. Pat Morita got a job as the evening janitor in the same building. And the whole movie ends with a big high flying showdown throughout the cubical areas, where office supplies are used as weapons of opportunity. The final scene will be the ol' classic humorous Pat Morita who has the supervisor by the hair and a stapler held high overhead, and he says something like, "These software is NO compatable...and this report is NO acceptable!" and he comes crashing down with the stapler, only to staple a piece of paper on the desk beside the guys head yelling something wierd like "Honk." The End, role credits.

Done right, Karate Man 4: The great office battle could have been a great success.

:uhyeah: :ultracool
Tulisan said:
1)[font=&quot] [/font]HEY! It made perfect sense to me when I was in elementary school! :rofl:

2)[font=&quot] [/font]And do you mean to tell me that Japan is different then Okinawa....it's all the same thing right? :rolleyes:

3)[font=&quot] [/font]I think they should have used Ralph anyways, but given it an office theme where he works in a cubical at an IT department somewhere, and has to deal with the guy over the next wall who is a major dickhead and is related to their immediate supervisor. Pat Morita got a job as the evening janitor in the same building. And the whole movie ends with a big high flying showdown throughout the cubical areas, where office supplies are used as weapons of opportunity. The final scene will be the ol' classic humorous Pat Morita who has the supervisor by the hair and a stapler held high overhead, and he says something like, "These software is NO compatable...and this report is NO acceptable!" and he comes crashing down with the stapler, only to staple a piece of paper on the desk beside the guys head yelling something wierd like "Honk." The End, role credits.

Done right, Karate Man 4: The great office battle could have been a great success.


1)[font=&quot] [/font]Oh manÂ….I had to suffer through it several years after I graduate universityÂ….hell I probably would have loved it as a kid.

2)[font=&quot] [/font]There all the sameÂ….Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, ThaiÂ…..ainÂ’t no difference. ;)

3)[font=&quot] [/font]Yeah great idea......and Pamela Anderson could have played his secretaty along with some other really hot chicksÂ…..lotÂ’s of hot chicks just laying around like in those Bond movies!

We should get into the movie making business! We would make a killing!
Hello, This one is from 70's. My friends and I use to shoot pool at the cornor shopping center and on the 2nd floor a "Japanese International Karate" were promoting be a BLACK BELT in 12 months. The school always seems busy.

Another is a school in our area that the Sensi decide to go back to the old ways of learning the martial arts. They started doing sparring drills(more like fighting) at every class with full contact. No pads, or protection gear. As the weeks went by they started to lose students, most just quit. They believe you need to learn to take a blow and build hard bodies. NOT sure if this is a bad idea?

Wearing your uniform will shopping at stores before going to classes.

Telling the Bully you know karate before getting beat up!

Don't practice what you preach? Are we quilty of this sometimes? .....Aloha
Promoting kids to Black Belt
Dojos that promote to quickly. Getting promoted to BB in a year and a half? C'mon now.
I have seen American-born instructors speaking pidgen-English as though they were imitating their Korean instructor. Funny, but dumb.

Promoting Tae Bo as effective self defense. Any Instructor that does that should be sued for false advertising and endangerment. Some student will try to use it in the event of an attack because the literature and the teacher said it was good for health and self defense.
MichiganTKD said:
Promoting Tae Bo as effective self defense. Any Instructor that does that should be sued for false advertising and endangerment. Some student will try to use it in the event of an attack because the literature and the teacher said it was good for health and self defense.
Suing would be letting them off too easy……I say take them out back of whatever “poser” gym they work at and let them demonstrate how effective it is at getting their butt kicked.
To make matters worse, most of the time the Tae Bo techniques they teach are absolute crap. The instructor usually has no martial arts experience at all, and spends a day at a seminar getting certified to teach it. Or worse, watches a couple of Billy Blanks videos and copies what he does.
MichiganTKD said:
Promoting Tae Bo as effective self defense. Any Instructor that does that should be sued for false advertising and endangerment. Some student will try to use it in the event of an attack because the literature and the teacher said it was good for health and self defense.

When I was teaching Modern Arnis at a Gym a number of years ago, the guy in the aerobic room next to me was doing exactly that. He had about 30 women students. I was working up to confronting him on it, but trying to figure out how to do so without losing my place at the gym. Then, one day he just didn't show up to class. As it turned out, he was fired for sexually harrassing one of his students, but the gym failed to notify his other 30 Tae Bo students.

Well, I had about a 30 person class for 2 months; women who just showed up to my class because the other guy wasn't around. I wasn't as developed as an instructor back then, but I figure that what I taught them as practical self defense was a hell of a lot better then what they were getting...

Moral of the story; don't take Tae Bo from an unethical instructor - he is likely to sexually harass you. ;)

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