Dry January

That gut biome is responsible for enough of our function that it has been argued whether a human is a complete organism separate from the gut biome, or if that biome is part of our organism.
I remember watching a video where a doctor was lecturing that babies born vaginally grow up to be healthier than babies born c-section because on the way down the birth canal the baby pics up many microbes that will become part of the babies system whereas those taken via c-section never get these microbes from day 1.
One thing I'll be interesting in learning more about as this research progresses is which parts of the gut biome are most affected (both by the alcohol and by the treatment). Meat digestion is highly affected by gut biome (part of the reason, I suspect, the vegetarian gut has more of the microbes desired in this therapy), so it may be that a combination of vegetarian/omnivore repopulation will prove most beneficial in the long run, as it would facilitate full nutrient absorption by those who aren't eating vegetarian diets.
We are physiologically well equipped to smash up meat into it’s usable constituent parts (amino acids) with our endogenous proteases from pancreatic juice. On the other hand, dealing with the cellulose found in plant cell walls is more problematic for humans. Ruminants, for example, have several stomachs and a finger-like pouch in which reside cellulose digesting bacteria (the appendix) and much longer guts to allow the time for them to do their work. Carnivores have a much shorter gut with a rich pancreatic juice and a vestigial appendix. We omnivores are somewhere in between the two.
We are physiologically well equipped to smash up meat into it’s usable constituent parts (amino acids) with our endogenous proteases from pancreatic juice. On the other hand, dealing with the cellulose found in plant cell walls is more problematic for humans. Ruminants, for example, have several stomachs and a finger-like pouch in which reside cellulose digesting bacteria (the appendix) and much longer guts to allow the time for them to do their work. Carnivores have a much shorter gut with a rich pancreatic juice and a vestigial appendix. We omnivores are somewhere in between the two.
I just remember reading an article about folks who don’t eat red meat, and the fact that if they eat it, it is disturbing to their gut, because they lack the microbes that assist in its digestion. Now that I think about it, I think the gist of it was that this was true either especially or only of red meat.
I just remember reading an article about folks who don’t eat red meat, and the fact that if they eat it, it is disturbing to their gut, because they lack the microbes that assist in its digestion. Now that I think about it, I think the gist of it was that this was true either especially or only of red meat.
My wife has never eaten a bite of meat, I wonder what would happen to someone like that? She doesn’t eat dairy because it upsets her GI but when we were in Italy she ate cheese with real gusto for about three or four days before she spent an entire day indoors paying for her indiscretions.
I just remember reading an article about folks who don’t eat red meat, and the fact that if they eat it, it is disturbing to their gut, because they lack the microbes that assist in its digestion. Now that I think about it, I think the gist of it was that this was true either especially or only of red meat.
I don’t think we need gut microbes to digest meat since we produce all the enzymes required to deal with it.

Should Humans Eat Meat? Biology, Nutrition, and Culture (reference 7)

We diverged in our evolution from the ruminates to intrinsically deal with high protein diets since they don’t require constant grazing (compare a cow’s eating behaviour compared to a lion).

As a slight digression, I saw a comparison between the social interactions within agrarian communities and hunter gatherer societies. The agrarian communities basically worked in fields from dawn til dusk with little interaction toiling all day long, and going to sleep in the darkening hours, exhausted. But they had a constant store of grains etc and rarely went hungry. The hunter gatherers, on the other hand, would go out to hunt animals, often starve for days on end until they caught a monkey, or something bigger if they were lucky, gorge themselves with high protein meat and then sit around in groups, laughing, joking, wondering if ‘four‘ was the biggest number or might there be bigger ones, what did blood actually do and why it tasted so nice etc.

Based upon this, I wonder if the shift to an agrarian society enhanced our survival but stifled our intellectual development.
My wife has never eaten a bite of meat, I wonder what would happen to someone like that? She doesn’t eat dairy because it upsets her GI but when we were in Italy she ate cheese with real gusto for about three or four days before she spent an entire day indoors paying for her indiscretions.
I’m a life long veggie but I ate ramen in Japan once and after a couple of mouthfuls realise the broth was of animal origin. Later that day, I had ‘the squirts’ 😐

I concluded that although I have the genes that allow the expression of the glands that produce meat specific proteases etc, maybe the glands themselves are dormant and would require repeated exposure to the presence of meat on my GI tract to get those juices flowing. Pure speculation, though….
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I’m a life long veggie but I ate ramen in Japan once and after a couple of mouthfuls realise the broth was of animal origin. Later that day, I had ‘the squirts’ 😐

I concluded that although I have the genes that allow the expression of the glands that produce meat specific proteases etc, maybe the glands themselves are dormant and would require repeated exposure to the presence of meat on my GI tract to get those juices flowing. Pure speculation, though….
The body gets very specific. It will try to adapt to the changes If the stomach isn't used to it then it will take some time to adapt to it.

It's not a one size fits all digestion solution. Our bodies are smarter than that.
The body gets very specific. It will try to adapt to the changes If the stomach isn't used to it then it will take some time to adapt to it.

It's not a one size fits all digestion solution. Our bodies are smarter than that.
I think your body is a lot smarter than you, JowGaWolf 😉😄
I wonder what an intelligent body looks like 🤔
No specific look.

I like ice cream. My body beats me up for eating it and then makes me sit in time out to think about what I did. Then in 3 months I'm eating ice cream again.

Body is smarter. Knows it's not good for it. By passes the digestive process and gets rid of it lol.

Me I keep eating it lol
No specific look.
Probably not (pre-Ozempic) Jonah Hill and more Hugh Jackman.
I like ice cream. My body beats me up for eating it and then makes me sit in time out to think about what I did. Then in 3 months I'm eating ice cream again.
I’ve never understood the obsession with ice cream. I have a couple of scoops in the summer but it generally leaves me cold (😉).
Body is smarter. Knows it's not good for it. By passes the digestive process and gets rid of it lol.
I think it’s pretty stupid then, because it lets you ingest it, run amok and making ones bowel leaky and then ejects it in it’s liquid phase. A smart body would stop you eating it.
Me I keep eating it lol
‘Kokoro wa karada desu’…. mind is body [body is mind].
I think it’s pretty stupid then, because it lets you ingest it, run amok and making ones bowel leaky and then ejects it in it’s liquid phase. A smart body would stop you eating it.
Is it? It punishes me for eating it. Then it puts it in a form that allows it to quickly get rid of it. Even if the mind says "just wait" it will only wait for a few minutes after the initial warnings lol, then it's either the toilet or your pants. Which is why I only eat it at home. Guess which toilet is not a fun road game. I never want it to be the gas station lol.

Explosive diarrhea is probably better than explosive constipation.