I was chatting to my gastroenterologist/hepatologist friend over our Christmas nut roast last night. You might remember he was applying for a grant to study the effects of faecal transplants on liver health and alcohol dependence. He’s (team’s) received a £2.6million grant to perform a large study on this! Here are a couple of the interesting points from his preliminary data:
1) The
best faeces to use for these transplants came from vegan donors which have the most diverse and populace, ‘healthy’ microbial content.
2) It only requires 3-4 transplants to significantly reduce the cravings for alcohol in ‘dependant’ drinkers.
Incidently, I might’ve joked about the horror of imbibing the faeces transplant orally, thinking it was administered as an enema transrectally. However, it seems it
is administered orally, albeit vis a nasogastric tube directly into the stomach and onwards

One subject did actually vomit the transplant up….can you imagine?

Thankfully, they are now found a way of freeze drying the faeces transplant, preserving the microbes and placing it in a capsule for ingestion. <phew>.
He’s also going to be looking at the efficacy of incretin mimetics (semaglutide
et al.) in reducing alcohol cravings (it
does reduce food cravings).
He was also talking at length about he benefits of ingesting fermented foods (
kombucha, sauerkraut etc) and hydroxymethylbutyrate (a common supplement, formed by the breakdown of the amino acid, leucine, and taken by weight trainers) for people with conditions such as irritable bowl syndrome. It seems they (amongst other things) reduce the ‘leakiness’ of the gut wall reducing/preventing the symptoms of these common conditions.
I’ll certainly be adding them to
my diet in the coming year.