Sr. Grandmaster
If the person refuses to give blood then the DRE can testify of all his findings. A DRE receives about 6 to 8 months of specialized training. He spends alot of time with Doctors in ER's and a Central Lock up in Baltimore city. They Learn about how drugs effect things like body temp, heart rates, blood pressure, and a bunch of other medical test IÂ’m not sure of them all because IÂ’ve never been to the school. So if the person refuses the blood test the DRE has all the other evidence.Thats intersting. I've never heard of a DRE. Are there any other LEOs here that are familiar with that? Now you mention that if the officer doesnt get consent, theres no way to prove the driver was under the influence of anything. Further in your post, you said that the DRE can take the person to the hospital. What if the driver doesnt consent? What makes the DRE any more special than the officer who stopped the guy initially?
While the officer who made the initial stop may not be able to physically prove the driver smoked, chances are, they'll still be able to get DUI, if the guy is not passing field tests. Of course, theres a good chance the officer will come up with other charges to add on, ie: drugs in the car, other mv violations, etc.
Im not saying you cant win a case without test results like I said that was just a short explanation on a complicated process. There are ways to win it depends on how detailed your report is, how well you testify, and if you get a States Atty. thatÂ’s willing to try the case. Most of the time the courts are so busy that the state just drops the charge if you dont have a test result.