Dragons In Motion

Let me first say I apologize to Bruce and the rest of the forum for being rude and inconsiderate. Some one pointed out that “Why work so hard to be a jerk? Multiple mocking posts?”

Let me try to defend what I was trying to get at.

1. I personally don’t believe the Lu_Ling_Sao___Soke “Chopstick maneuver” I am just sometime to much of a realist. I personally don’t believe in Chi, Ki, telekinesis or no touch knockouts.

2. I didn’t understand the last slap to the chest. See, being a realist I usually have to have things done on me to get proven. That is why I take so many shots and subject myself to pain.

All and all they were good videos. I think he has some fine young talent there on those clips.

I realize I came off as a jerk that is not normally in my nature. I apologize to you Bruce and the rest of the forum.

I don’t want anyone being leery of posting to this thread I think thread has some real value and potential.


Firstly, thank you Bruce for sharing the clips.

Secondly, this forum isn't the place to hammer someone. Lets not. Everyone has their own take and while we may not agree, we all have the right to our opinions.

If you don't understand what is happening, or why, then ask.
If you disagree with how somethings shown, maybe asking "why was X done that way? I learned it differently" rather than "OMG that sucked!" will get things cleared up rather than mucked up. Hey, it mighta been a flub. I know I got enough in my own clips. :)

And, hey, if ya have a different take....share away. :) IDIC and all that,ya'know? :D
1 suggestion for Bruce - add file sizes to the clip descriptions. I'm on high-speed and they took a while to load. Wasn't sure if it was me, the clips, or his server. Or all of the above.

I watched 2
Chopstick spining - impressive. People have said it's subtle breath puffs. Dunno, I didn't hear any breathing, but agree it needs to be seen in person and 'validated' to counter that. I'll happily do so in July.

Stick drills - Pretty basic compared to what I've done, but, the timing looked good, and the flow was good. Not much of a rechamber though. Was the influence FMA, Kenpo, or other?

Chopsticks--my guess is that the sticks are arranged so that they will start moving on their own, and the hands are actually following, not leading, the stick.
Good for retrieving dropped lightsabers....
Kaith Rustaz said:
1 suggestion for Bruce - add file sizes to the clip descriptions. I'm on high-speed and they took a while to load. Wasn't sure if it was me, the clips, or his server. Or all of the above.

I watched 2
Chopstick spining - impressive. People have said it's subtle breath puffs. Dunno, I didn't hear any breathing, but agree it needs to be seen in person and 'validated' to counter that. I'll happily do so in July.

Stick drills - Pretty basic compared to what I've done, but, the timing looked good, and the flow was good. Not much of a rechamber though. Was the influence FMA, Kenpo, or other?

Thank you sir:
First: I didn't think about the size Thanks.. They are like 19mgs each... I tried to make them as small as I could... :)

Second: I don't force anyone to believe in Chi training. It has been around for hundreds of years but to each His/Her own and Blessings on all training. I don't use any breath but I do understand the doubt. I was asked by members of this forum to put it on so I did. I am going to try to have Sifu Moore Join me in July.. He is 100x better at this than I am.. Heck. He Taught me...

Lastly: Based on Kenpo 5 line and basic kenpo Stick.. Also I did a bit of self taught with sticks and added some of those moves. But 99% of what I teach comes from Kenpo Sticks.
BruceCalkins said:
Thank you sir:
First: I didn't think about the size Thanks.. They are like 19mgs each... I tried to make them as small as I could... :)

Second: I don't force anyone to believe in Chi training. It has been around for hundreds of years but to each His/Her own and Blessings on all training. I don't use any breath but I do understand the doubt. I was asked by members of this forum to put it on so I did. I am going to try to have Sifu Moore Join me in July.. He is 100x better at this than I am.. Heck. He Taught me...

Lastly: Based on Kenpo 5 line and basic kenpo Stick.. Also I did a bit of self taught with sticks and added some of those moves. But 99% of what I teach comes from Kenpo Sticks.
With all due respect, I am painfully familiar with kenpo sticks. Can't say as I recognize it as such, but thanks for jumping into the lions den and being courageous enough to post.

