2nd Black Belt
I had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Bob Munden, the Fastest Gun In The World, live. The man is amazing! His clock is one seccond around, and he gets off two shots, well aimed I might add, in the upper right corner, one in .23 (Hundredths) of a second! I belive His wife is the fastest woman alive. I understand arguments at that house are setled rather quickly. "DRAW HONEY!!!"
Two points with this. According to some of the quick draw stuff I read, the limiting factor in motion is the nerve conduction velocity of a human being.
Secondly, no matter how fast you are, no gunslinger who ever lived out drew an already drawn pistol
Just some food for thought on "The Speed Man"
Mr. Mundens Site
Two points with this. According to some of the quick draw stuff I read, the limiting factor in motion is the nerve conduction velocity of a human being.
Secondly, no matter how fast you are, no gunslinger who ever lived out drew an already drawn pistol

Just some food for thought on "The Speed Man"
Mr. Mundens Site