Dr. John LaTourrette (The Speed Man)

I had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Bob Munden, the Fastest Gun In The World, live. The man is amazing! His clock is one seccond around, and he gets off two shots, well aimed I might add, in the upper right corner, one in .23 (Hundredths) of a second! I belive His wife is the fastest woman alive. I understand arguments at that house are setled rather quickly. "DRAW HONEY!!!"
Two points with this. According to some of the quick draw stuff I read, the limiting factor in motion is the nerve conduction velocity of a human being.
Secondly, no matter how fast you are, no gunslinger who ever lived out drew an already drawn pistol :)
Just some food for thought on "The Speed Man"
Mr. Mundens Site
"pearls amid much straw" is a perfect description. I have a few of his videos, and there is some useful stuff. Slapping a guy in the face counts as 4 strikes, though, since there are 4 fingers making contact.

I bought a few of his reports, too. They are basically advertisements that you pay for.

That said, I would not miss a chance to see him in person.

Dave :cool:
Originally posted by KenpoDave

Slapping a guy in the face counts as 4 strikes, though, since there are 4 fingers making contact.

The way I saw it, if your speaking of the "sandwiching strike", was that after the initial palm/elbow strike he compounded its effect by moving the palm up/elbow down and pushing each through to create that "shearing" effect and torquing the neck in a strange way...what he called 4 strikes..

But I've never seen him refer to a "slap" as 4 or 5 strikes (one per digit).. The only time i ever saw something like that was on Mr. Wong's book on Kung Fu where he showed an Elephant fist where the knuckles rolled and produced a multiple striking affect from what I could gather from the book, but I digress. I agree that Dr. LaTourrette has some interesting info, but it is an aquired taste and not every thing you see will be for you.

Because of several situations that have flared up in the last few days, Kirk has been suspended due to his part in the incidents. Our moderators are not above the rules here. He'll be back shortly.

Originally posted by jbkenpo

Hey Billy,

What the hell are you talking about? :D


I am assuming that you wrote the bit about the red pill, etc... in the signature portion of your profile. Isn't that from the matrix. Silly boy trix are for kids.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear

I am assuming that you wrote the bit about the red pill, etc... in the signature portion of your profile. Isn't that from the matrix. Silly boy trix are for kids.


Doh!!!!!!! Oh yeah....now ya see how big of a fan I am...

Naw, I made that up myself....:rofl:

But I suppose many are living in a Kenpo fantasy that a little Garage Ryu and a little Houston humidity could snap them out of....Or they can go back to their pristine, air conditioned, sterile environments making sure to turn and take a knee to straighten out their gi's everytime it looks a little wrinkled in that mirror that spans the training area....

So I say once again...
"This is your last chance. Take the dobak and you can go back to your twice a week class of kicking and punching. Or take the gi and I'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes......"
Originally posted by Hollywood1340

"This is your last chance. Take the dobak and you can go back to your twice a week class of kicking and punching. Or take the gi and I'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes......"

Sometimes you make me fall outta my chair laughing Hollywood! Keep it comming, I love reading some of the things you post... It's a good change of pace from the normal "I'm right and your misguided" kinda crap that goes on about Kenpo on the internet.

Take Care,
Billy Lear :cool:
Mr. Lear,
You have to remember I see the AKK world from a non-EPAK point of view. My world is not so much how it works, but does it work? I'll figure out the science later. But I also see and love the science SGM. Paker put into it, and with my limited knowledge base can see how those principles apply to what I do. I may not call it "Marrige of Gravity" or "Backup Mass" but I can see to point how they work and incorporate it into my arts.
Also nothing is more fun to read then a bunch of bored kenpo peope having a "discussion" about how such and such a teqnique works. That is what keeps your art alive and well. The "Kenpo Light Bulb" joke is true in more ways then one. The light of knowlege is constantly being changed, even though it may not be the way "Mr. Parker showed me".

RE: My previous post
(After feeling your first Sabum'(Teaher) induced faceplant)
No one ever makes their first fall.

If you get frustrated remember....there is no pie!

She's harmless, their bringing her down now......

AllI can think of at the moment!

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