Dont you hate all this really exagerated boasting



the instructer ata kuksulwon school i visited boasted that he fought 15 guys and he knocked everyone of them out in a cou0ple of mins after his lesson i challenge him and we had a lil scrap (no striking to groin or eyes) i wiped the floor with him he was fast but i didn't need to parry his shots they didn't hurt most of the time even his kicks were weaka$$ he was all mouth i babrely had to try he was knocked down with my first half decent punch. Pathetic!!
Originally posted by bob919
the instructer ata kuksulwon school i visited boasted that he fought 15 guys and he knocked everyone of them out in a cou0ple of mins after his lesson i challenge him and we had a lil scrap (no striking to groin or eyes) i wiped the floor with him he was fast but i didn't need to parry his shots they didn't hurt most of the time even his kicks were weaka$$ he was all mouth i babrely had to try he was knocked down with my first half decent punch. Pathetic!!

Uuuuuh couldn't people take all your boasting the same as you took his?:rofl:

I am sure there are some folks that could shut you down just as easy what's the point.........
just saying how somepeople are full of ***** (some even more than me;) ) i know there are poeple who could smack me down casue i seek them out and ask them to fight cause i want to improve. i was boasting but at least i wasnt *********** like him.
i know there are poeple who could smack me down casue i seek them out and ask them to fight cause i want to improve.

I don't quite get you seek out people who brag about their martial abilities and ask them to fight because you want to improve? sounds like most of the time you don't believe these guys' claims, and I would guess that you were able to beat most of them up. If so, how does sparring/fighting someone weaker than you, or sparring/fighting someone you know you can beat, even *challenge* you?

Honestly, no disrespect intended, but here in my little corner of the world, we challenge ourselves by sparring those that are higher rank, or who have a demonstrated ability above our own. By reaching *up*, not down, we have to work at getting better.

Did I miss a point here, or something?

Also, just a quick side point: I don't worry so much about the guys who talk about all the people they beat up and how many at a time, blah, blah, blah. I worry more about the person that I don't hear say anything, but who just smiles when he hears these stories. Give it a thought......


i was giving one example of a bloke who gives bogus claims i was asking if this annoyed anybody

most people i fight i beat or come close i have yet to find someone who can really smack me down but there obviously is
Uuuuuh couldn't people take all your boasting the same as you took his?

You took the words right out of my mouth, RSK ;)

Who cares? Let the guy live in his little fantasy realm and forget about him. There's always a bigger fish. Hell...there's always a bigger school of fish..
Yep, I do too. It's like putting 97 different arts up on your Profile...oh wait, Bob.
you've been checking my profile

you'll notice that i havent put a rank on them cause i have only studied them i have practiced a couple though but i prefer to mix it up and see what works for me

i said i beat him is that boasting?
he said he beat up 15 people without getting hit now is he boasting?
Originally posted by Sharp Phil
None of this happened. This is an obvious troll-post.

yeh really psychic now thts a real nice talent you have

it did happen but hell i dont care if you believe me no skin of my nose
BTW sorry about the swearing on my previous posts i'll try not to do that from now on
OK OK i was boasting but its true he wasn;t as good as he said
It doesn't take much in the way of psychic powers to see this thread for the transparent act of trolling that it is.
you should go stick your head in a freezer j/k
he said he beat up 15 people without getting hit now is he boasting?


i said i beat him is that boasting?


The underlining idea here is somehow being proud of yourself for hurting someone. Not only is that boasting, but it's an extreme issue of ego. Even if he was an arrogant twit (that may have been lying)...does beating him up mean that he's no longer arrogant...that he no longer lies?

And what did it do for you? Did you bath in the satisfaction of kicking someone's tale in?

Not good. When someone feels proud of themselves for hurting someone...regardless of circumstance, it should never feel good inside.
Originally posted by Jay Bell
Not good. When someone feels proud of themselves for hurting someone...regardless of circumstance, it should never feel good inside.

If someone were hurting someone I love, and I beat him down ...
I think I'd feel pretty good about it. Just MO
Would you? Or would you feel glad about the fact that you stopped the love one from getting hurt further? Would the good feelings come from you hurting someone...or someone you cared for no longer hurting?

Such a fine line...but I hear what you're saying
I beat 75 men in 4 minutes once. Then the power went out, and I lost my save file. Stupid Shenmue. ;)