Dominant Side to Front or Rear?


As a followup question to Ceicei's poll about your dominant side Are you dominant on the left side, right side, or ambidextrous?

If you have a dominant side, do you tend to put the dominant side to the front or rear of your stance, and why?

For example, some may see benefit in having the dominant side closer to the threat with the ability to deliver more powerful jabs and front kicks. For some, the dominant side may not be the quick side, and they may see the benefit of having quickness to the front.

Maybe it changes based on the 'rules' of the fight, when applicable?

crushing said:
As a followup question to Ceicei's poll about your dominant side Are you dominant on the left side, right side, or ambidextrous?

If you have a dominant side, do you tend to put the dominant side to the front or rear of your stance, and why?

For example, some may see benefit in having the dominant side closer to the threat with the ability to deliver more powerful jabs and front kicks. For some, the dominant side may not be the quick side, and they may see the benefit of having quickness to the front.

Maybe it changes based on the 'rules' of the fight, when applicable?


I wouldn't say I have dominant side but I do know that I tend to execute certain techniques depending on which foot is forward. For example: I tend to Clinch with the right leg forward but shoot with the left leg forward. I tend to go offensive (with regard to strikes) with the right lead, but counter fight with the left lead.

However assuming my right is my dominant side (I'm right handed), I tend to fight "right side out" more times than not. Probably due to Kenpo using the right lead most of the time as I don't recall using a right lead as often when I was doing Ju Jitsu prior to Kenpo....
I keep my right (dominant) side to the rear. I have more power in my right side, but more flexibility, as far as techniques, in my left side.
All depends, if you have a weapon, most likely you are going dominant side forward. If you are wrestling, probably dominant side forward or Neutral. Boxing or kickboxing, probably dominant side back.

personally I tend to go Dominant side forward, it's what I got used to. Occasionally I switch if I need a little more Power :)
as far as depends if the opponent is a defensive or offensive fighter...what foot he/she has forward...and what i want to do

if they fight right foot forward and prefer their back leg i will fight left foot forward to take away the target...right foot forward and front leg i fight right foot forward...same for the all in all im trying to take away their preferred technique...
I generally keep my dominant (right) side forward so as to put my most powerful side forward. In events that I need to put my powerside back, I usually do a quick foot change just prior. Usually I will adjust my stance in response to my partner/opponent's stance, though.
With emptyhand, my left side leads which is my faster side. That is how I feel most comfortable. I have experimented both sides forward and left side forward is vastly better for me.
With stick in right hand I feel more comfortable with right side forward.
I put my dominant side towards the front. It gives me more control since mantis is very close range and I do need quick response. I try however to use my other side more to train it and to train my sensetivity so I give up the need to be 'quick' in response.
when i train

western boxing dominant side is back

wing chun dominant side stays ahead

muay thai both

aikido both

Its an interesting question,because the above have been the way i was instructed in each art and when i revert back to the arts i naturally go with how i was trained

on the street...........i train both sides equally
I'm more comfortable with my dominant (right) side to the rear. I feel this allows for more powerful strikes from my already more powerful right hand.

I will often, however, switch sides when sparring or doing drills.
I usually keep my dominant side to the rear. However, I do feel that its important to be able to mix it up.

Cause I carry a weapon I have retrained myself to keep my dominant side ( gun side) back...

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