A trained dog is a great defense tool for both LE and civilians. A great partner to those who carry firearms, or may have to deal with a firearm wielding assailent.
When I can free up the time to socialize and train one, I want a German Shepard.
Wow, now you are talking up another one of my expertise subject. I have owned Hawaiian Canine School in San Diego for over 30 years now and made a good living out of it till I decided to take over this martial arts system, then taking my time away, I lost allot of business. I appeared on the cover of Dog Fancy Magazine when I was a deputy sheriff with my drug/attack dog. I believe in 1972. I also worked another dog when I worked the Southern California Fair transporting thousands of dollars from one side of the grounds to the other. Many of you are correct that allot of large breeds have hip dysplasia..but that all depends on the breeder. Many of these diseases stem from being bred too close or inbred. Another point is the insurance factor. Many if not majority of the carriers will not cover you if you have a canine that is of a protective breed. Though majority of the dog bites stem from smaller toy breeds, the fact that they look at is that if you have a breed that is a natural protector, either no insurance or a higher costs for premiums. I have one and have breed solid black German Shepards for over 25 years and right now and they go for about $1,500-5,000. I just have one female that I intend to breed as soon as I find a German import black.
When the insurance carrier came over I had her put up and then they asked if I had a dog and I said yes, I had a mixed cross Labrador Retriever. So...someone cropped her ears (LOL). It is better to get your dogs trained by a good trainer as a well trained dog is more under control then a dog that is not and though I train mine to protect, she is also obedience trained which keeps her under control at all times. If she attacks someone I can stop her before she makes contact. This is the only way to enjoy your family pet by having them trained at least in obedience. One of my jet blacks saved my life years ago when I was off duty police officer and walked into an armed robbery. Someday I will tell you guys what happened.
Grandmaster Kuoha