Does Soarness = Strength?


Yellow Belt
I feel as tho when I am sore after a training session that I have gained something. Does anyone know if this is actually true? I mean if you are sore does it mean you have built some muscle or gained some strength in some way..or does it just mean that I am out of shape and my body is telling me so! In other words is it a good thing to be sore? No pain..No gain
Personaly I think a little soreness after a tough training session means you were pushing yourself. So sore that you can't move the next day probably means you did too much.
As my Marine friends would say "Pain is weakness leaving the body!" So, soreness isn't quite strength yet, it's the purification process.
Depends on what you mean by soreness, there is good pain and bad pain.

The "My legs are so sore I can't walk from doing those squats" pain means you've not been doing enough squats lately. Do them a couple days and you likely won't get that pain again, even after you do push them.

Of course that doesn't mean you can keep pushing, even though they are not "sore", they still need to heal. Don't let them and they will weaken, and eventually snap, even though there wasn't any real "sore" leading up to it.
Well from my reading up into muscle building, without getting into it too much, the workout stresses and breaks down the muscle, the soreness is that feeling, then when the body heals to cope with the stress the muscles had to go through then it heals a bit stronger. So you're not supposed to train too hard while you're sore as it will just break the muscle up further before it's had a chance to heal properly.
I'm no doc but it seems to make sense!
If i did a workout and didn't feel sore the next day i wouldn't feel like I'd really trained hard enough.
This is what i found about Arnies first workout;

After his first workout he started riding home and fell off his bike. "I was so weak I couldn't make my hands hold on," he writes in his autobiography. "I had no feeling in my legs: they were noodles. I was numb, my whole body buzzing."

He probably overdid it a bit!
swiftpete said:
Well from my reading up into muscle building, without getting into it too much, the workout stresses and breaks down the muscle, the soreness is that feeling, then when the body heals to cope with the stress the muscles had to go through then it heals a bit stronger.

That's a pretty good explaination. A biological organism experiencing and responding (adapting) to stress. Simple biology.

Arnie didn't necessarily overdo it, he just had a hard workout...especially if it was his first time and being able to push that far. Recovery and preventing/avoiding injury are KEY in that style (bodybuilding) of training.
You have to watch where the soreness is though. If you are sore in the actual muscle area that is okay but if tendons get sore you have to watch it and make sure you don't push it. Also give your body time to heal 1 or 2 days in between lifting. That is actually when the muscle is being built.
I hope so! If it does then by tomorrow I should be a house. LOL I guess a 3 hour training night after working all day (construction) and a few hours sleep might just be pushing it too much for a 42 year-old fat guy.
bydand said:
I hope so! If it does then by tomorrow I should be a house. LOL I guess a 3 hour training night after working all day (construction) and a few hours sleep might just be pushing it too much for a 42 year-old fat guy.

Just get more sleep and eat'll be alright...drink water too.
Hello, Up above said it right? To build will need to tear them down. Never over do it. If you body is soar is because you have not use those muscles before, and they have been stretch out. It is the resting time (few hours -couple of days)..that the muscle will heal.

Read any books on muscle should explain the princples of how muscules are built.

The minute you stop using those will start shrinking back down. Like pumping air into a stop so does the balloon. Keeping grows.

Building muscles is like the jump ropes,push-ups,squats,sit-ups and all the others...we must not stop doing them daily. Off course different body parts on different days! ...the body/muscles need rest to build. Get a good book on muscles building. ......hope this helps..

Look at running...if you stop for a will need to build up to your old number (times) again...Aloha

PS: Now the fun begins....the true meaning of training in the martial arts..
adictd2tkdgirl said:
I feel as tho when I am sore after a training session that I have gained something. Does anyone know if this is actually true? I mean if you are sore does it mean you have built some muscle or gained some strength in some way..or does it just mean that I am out of shape and my body is telling me so! In other words is it a good thing to be sore? No pain..No gain

I agree with RP on this one. Its always good to challenge yourself a little, as thats the way muscle will grow. Overdoing it is probably going to do more harm than good.

To add onto this:

No pain..No gain

Too much pain, no brain.:)

No brains ...... No pains!
still learning said:
Hello, Up above said it right? To build will need to tear them down. Never over do it. If you body is soar is because you have not use those muscles before, and they have been stretch out. It is the resting time (few hours -couple of days)..that the muscle will heal.

Read any books on muscle should explain the princples of how muscules are built.

The minute you stop using those will start shrinking back down. Like pumping air into a stop so does the balloon. Keeping grows.

Building muscles is like the jump ropes,push-ups,squats,sit-ups and all the others...we must not stop doing them daily. Off course different body parts on different days! ...the body/muscles need rest to build. Get a good book on muscles building. ......hope this helps..

Look at running...if you stop for a will need to build up to your old number (times) again...Aloha

PS: Now the fun begins....the true meaning of training in the martial arts..

A lot of articles I've read on strength building say agree with what bluedragon said. Working out everyday (in terms of strength training) is NOT a good thing. I'm no expert on the subject, I'm just regurgitating what I read when I was researching the best way to do strength training excercises. Overtraining can increase the risk for injury.

here is a link to one source the supports that school of thought:

"Rest your muscles
Weight training regimes should allow for a rest the day after working a specific muscle group. This allows the healing and recovery time for the muscles to repair and grow. Muscle growth has peaked after 36 to 48 hours, and thus those training for muscle growth should train again at this point. You should never work the same muscle area 2 days in a row as this is not enough time for full recovery.

Any and all "rest guidelines" are subjective and should be followed until such time that one understands ones level of preparedness well enough to individualize it. My recovery time is hugely different from Still Learning and Rutherfords and Blue Dragons. This is due to individual variance in physical make-up, training level, GPP, etc.
Shirt Ripper said:
Any and all "rest guidelines" are subjective and should be followed until such time that one understands ones level of preparedness well enough to individualize it. My recovery time is hugely different from Still Learning and Rutherfords and Blue Dragons. This is due to individual variance in physical make-up, training level, GPP, etc.

Ah! No takes for me one month to recover..than go to one class and rest for one month before going to the next class. All this time I thought it was it individual variance/physical make-up?

I try not to use my wife make-up... it never helps with recoverly.

R & R .....Rest and Recover..........simple idea that works....Hawaii has some of the best places for R & R .....come on over? ....Aloha
still learning said:
Ah! No takes for me one month to recover..than go to one class and rest for one month before going to the next class. All this time I thought it was it individual variance/physical make-up?

I try not to use my wife make-up... it never helps with recoverly.

R & R .....Rest and Recover..........simple idea that works....Hawaii has some of the best places for R & R .....come on over? ....Aloha

I gotta tella ya...I have trouble reading your tone sometimes...Seems your mostly joking here...make up and all:) . No worries.

So you go to class/workout once every month? Hmmm.

Hawaii is too hot for me!
Hello, We train twice a week only. As you age (other things pop-up) do miss classes. I love to help my Instructor with his students, but I also do all the things the students do too.

Yes...I do play/joke alot...just trying to keep things in fun and to help you remember the important stuffs.

My goals has always been to provide a little more insights or another way to look at the martial arts. Another goal is sharing all our thoughts so we may help each other improve our skills and knowledge. Sometimes...humor works.

I do not wish to offend anyone here....just want to help out.

Born and raise in Hawaii with mix cultures has created "pigeon english". the way most of us locals speak.....the Chinese,Philippino's,Portuguese,Hawaiian,Japanese,English language, the labors who learn the english language combine with there's created "pigeon langauge use in Hawaii today.

This is why I know many of you..have a hard time understanding us. Mahalo and Aloha (thank-you and good-bye)