Does Anybody Know Some Good Schools in Oregon?


White Belt
Nov 26, 2015
Reaction score
South of Canada
I'm just finishing up my first term karate class in college and now I want to know if there are any good options here in the state. Preferably Corvallis and northern schools as that's where I am most of the time. Just looking for a place to work on techniques, foot work, light sparring and not so light sparring. Any suggestions everybody?
Oregon and Washington have some very good instructors. Dan Anderson in Gresham, Steven Plinck in Washington. Bobbe Edmonds in Seattle. Kelly Worden in Washington. If you become interested in FMA or Silat you actually have some of the best in your area!
Oregon and Washington have some very good instructors. Dan Anderson in Gresham, Steven Plinck in Washington. Bobbe Edmonds in Seattle. Kelly Worden in Washington. If you become interested in FMA or Silat you actually have some of the best in your area!

What is FMA?
Doshinkan Dojo here in the Dalles OR (Itosu lineage through Kanken Toyama's students.)
Also there is a really good Kyoshinkai Karate dojo in Portland, as well as top notch UecheiRyu school in Gresham