Master Black Belt
I was going to put this in my "seminar notes" but I think it merit being separate as it may either stray or die and in any case be different from the seminar notes. So here it is in it's own thread.
Based on notes about what Mr. Planas said as reported by me at:
Along this line, Mr. Planas also said later that "At the higher levels, Kenpo is all about accuracy."
This seems to support what Doc says. I would like to know if Doc has discussed this or SL4 in general with Mr. Planas and if Doc knows if Mr. Planas has an opinion about SL4. If the question has merit of course. I don't want this to be taken as an affront. It just seemed to me that Mr. Planas must agree with Doc's basic tenent here and I'm curious if they have discussed it.
Based on notes about what Mr. Planas said as reported by me at:
Originally posted by cdhall
2. Kenpo Motto is "Accuracy, Power and (just enough) Speed (to make it work)
12. Being a good "Dummy" is better than being able to do a technique. It is harder. It takes more thought. A good "dummy" has to know how to react and why. It takes less expertise to execute a technique. To work your technique properly you need a good "dummy." Striking on a "statue" does not allow you to learn a technique well....
Along this line, Mr. Planas also said later that "At the higher levels, Kenpo is all about accuracy."
This seems to support what Doc says. I would like to know if Doc has discussed this or SL4 in general with Mr. Planas and if Doc knows if Mr. Planas has an opinion about SL4. If the question has merit of course. I don't want this to be taken as an affront. It just seemed to me that Mr. Planas must agree with Doc's basic tenent here and I'm curious if they have discussed it.