Do you train with other "Chunners"?


MT Mentor
Now that I'm back training again, I'd really like to get together and do chi-sau with as many "other chunners" as I can find. Back in the 80's when I represented a certain organization, this was always problematic since I was expected to "uphold the organization's reputation" or some such rubbish. So if I did train with somebody else, I had to show my "superiority", I guess. Hard to learn much, doing that!

Well now that I'm an old, out of practice nobody, I can train with anybody I can find, and if they are better than me...well that's what you want, right? But, so far it's been hard to find people. And, life's so busy, that it's hard enough to make time to train with my regular group. Still, I'm not giving up on this.

So, have any of you guys regularly connected with other chunners from other lineages to train with? If so, how has it worked out?
The lineage I trained with back in the day is unknown.

The guys I get to train with now are Kamon. (Not as often as would like but that is the downfall of living on a small Island)

Yep it works as I dont care as long as its WC.

Although Kamon seems to suit me.

On another point, received the Kamon explosive power dvd today.

Worth a watch guys (KG will agree, but he has too!! ;-)) as a novice it certainly gave me some good ideas and filled a few gaps. I think it is worth even the experts seeing what it offers. The world of WC/WT/VT is so much easier to access now.

Also I think if I have had 3 weetabix I could take Sifu Chan*

*Clearly a lie.
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Unfortunately, no not since the last seminar I attended,the guy that I was training (for at least a year) didn't "get it" he was a talker,enthused only when getting lessons for free,yess man...ok man... this is cool man..blows the mind man....effort- less to say the least.Yes,at the seminar it was mind blowing to actually make contact with people who knew what they were doing,to actually be on the same page,alas here I sit broken hearted...well you know my frustration.....nearest Wing Tzun 300 some odd miles away...bonus? after at least 20 years I still got this s@%#t right!
signed,sadandlonelywingtzunner (sniffle.....sniffle...)
I am getting really serious about a Mook Jong,hey beats one...
The lineage I trained with back in the day is unknown.

The guys I get to train with now are Kamon. (Not as often as would like but that is the downfall of living on a small Island)

Yep it works as I dont care as long as its WC.

Although Kamon seems to suit me.
Kamon is a cool style. I love it to bits

On another point, received the Kamon explosive power dvd today...
Worth a watch guys (KG will agree, but he has too!! ;-)) as a novice it certainly gave me some good ideas and filled a few gaps. I think it is worth even the experts seeing what it offers. The world of WC/WT/VT is so much easier to access now..
In all honesty (and people on here know I'm honest) the explosive power dvd was a bit of a let down. It was filmed by one of my students and had some cool bits in it, but I would have liked to have seen more. Too many static drills and 'set up' positions, and that isn't how we normally train in Kamon. To be fair though, it was filmed at a one off seminar, and in Bristol which is miles away from the 45 London clubs down here (meaning many students were missing)
The Sil Nim Tao dvd is quite good though as it has a whole load of extra bits on it

Also I think if I have had 3 weetabix I could take Sifu Chan*

*Clearly a lie.
Don't lose hope... I'm still chasing the dream...
Unfortunately, no not since the last seminar I attended,the guy that I was training (for at least a year) didn't "get it" he was a talker,enthused only when getting lessons for free...

If people value what you've got, they will pay for it. I train with my old Si-dai (younger brother) and I always pay him a nominal monthly fee of $50... to do otherwise is to disrespect the value of our training!

On the other hand, I was training a couple of Eskrima students for free, since they were "poor". After I knocked myself out to give them a solid foundation, they drifted away. No commitment. Well, call it a lesson learned. If I work out with someone, that's fun and free. If I train them, I don't care how much they plead poverty, they will have to pay, barter, or work to cover the instruction.

Besides, it's awful slow training someone from scratch just to have a chi-sau partner... someday. I think you could learn a lot more from someone from another school who does things a bit differently. That's where the "Chi-Sau Club" concept comes in. Of course I have yet to make it work. I tried contacting Brocklee... but no response. Does he still post on here, anyway? I don't get it. Most people I know would love a chance to punch me a few times! Too bad they aren't Chunners.
I havent found many Chunners outside of lineage. Of Course my sihing studies both Yuen Kay San and Yip Man. So we chi sau alot. As well as light spar. Also at my Tai Chi Class I do alot of Chi sau with other from different styles Like Karate, Tae Kwon Do, and Chen Tai Chi as well as some others.