Do you think life will be discovered on another planet in your lifetime?

As far as cattle are concerned, most cattle operations in the US are not mom and pop out tending a heard in their past time like it is over there.

I think the cattle farmers I know would heartily disagree with that statement.

As to certain components of the cattle business model in the US and some other countries ("preventative" overuse of antibiotics in feed contributing to the prevalence of resistant infections along with growth hormone administration), I sincerely hope we continue to restrict the use and importation of those.

If unrestricted imports start and regulations are relaxed, I'm going vegetarian.
you cant see any of the component of electricity, well not with the naked eye that and there is ONLY one component, you didn't study electrical engineering did you ? just a guess

stick to cow metaphors , your probably not out of your depth with that
You can easily see electricity. Look out the window during a thunder storm. You’ll probably see it at some point. Being a construction guy, I’m assuming you’ve at least seen someone use an arc welder; you’ve likely used one yourself.

And for the record, the most powerful microscopes in the world still aren’t good enough to show individual atoms nor any sub atomic particles. What they actually look like is theoretical. Based on very sound scientific principles, but theoretical nonetheless.
You can easily see electricity. Look out the window during a thunder storm. You’ll probably see it at some point. Being a construction guy, I’m assuming you’ve at least seen someone use an arc welder; you’ve likely used one yourself.

In neither case is that actually seeing electricity though, it's the effects of the ionisation of the surrounding molecules and the subsequent plasma production that is visible.

Much like gravity, electricity itself cannot be made visible - only the effect it has other things.
You can easily see electricity. Look out the window during a thunder storm. You’ll probably see it at some point. Being a construction guy, I’m assuming you’ve at least seen someone use an arc welder; you’ve likely used one yourself.

And for the record, the most powerful microscopes in the world still aren’t good enough to show individual atoms nor any sub atomic particles. What they actually look like is theoretical. Based on very sound scientific principles, but theoretical nonetheless.
your not seeing electricity when you see lighting, electricity is charged electrons, what your seeing is ionised air, thats being ionised by the electrons, which then turns into plasma.

that's like claiming you can see wind if your garden gate is banging about, you can see its effect, but you cant see IT
You can easily see electricity. Look out the window during a thunder storm. You’ll probably see it at some point. Being a construction guy, I’m assuming you’ve at least seen someone use an arc welder; you’ve likely used one yourself.

And for the record, the most powerful microscopes in the world still aren’t good enough to show individual atoms nor any sub atomic particles. What they actually look like is theoretical. Based on very sound scientific principles, but theoretical nonetheless.
and for the record here are some pictures of atoms
This Microscope Can See Down to Individual Atoms

not amazing resolution il grant you, but you are most certainly seeing atoms
Thank you, livestock is one of my most endeared passions. Coming from you it doesn't count for much but I will take it.
I was hoping you would walk into this one. I have two Graduate degrees, one in Electrical Engineering, I am an article contributor to the Journal, IEEE, and ASME, something easily to find had you taken the time to check my profile. Failure one for you. There are 3 fundamental elements necessary to create electricity as we know it. Failure two for you. You do get one passing grade for again showing how big a douche you insist on being. Most all your remarks are very unbecoming and show a drastic lack of maturity.
As far as cattle are concerned, most cattle operations in the US are not mom and pop out tending a heard in their past time like it is over there. Ours are efficient, for profit businesses ran with that mindset. You(r) country has gotten so accustomed to loosing you have an extreme case of Patty Hearst Syndrome. It has been going on so long, you are like the ball in a pinball machine, you never who, what, where, when, how, why you will be next.

My apologies to others from across the pond. Nothing directed at you.
well in that case you should be ashamed of yourself, i just thought you were misinformed, now it turns out you've been expensively educated and are just wrong

you said you can see the COMPONENTS of electricity, there is only one component part of electricity and that electrons, which you cant see.

you've since changed that statement to be about the ELEMENTS required for generation, which is not at all what your original statement said.
but your still wrong you cant see those either, at least not the ones im thinking of

so just to be clear, what components of electricity are you claiming can be seen ?
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well in that case you should be ashamed of yourself, i just thought you were misinformed, now it turns out you've been expensively educated and are just wrong

you said you can see the COMPONENTS of electricity, there is only one component part of electricity and that electrons, which you cant see.

you've since changed that statement to be about the ELEMENTS required for generation, which is not at all what your original statement said.
but your still wrong you cant see those either, at least not the ones im thinking of

so just to be clear, what components of electricity are you claiming can be seen ?
Jobo, that is so far from making sense on any level I am at a loss for how to even begin to answer. Hopefully you understand your gibberish.
If you need to pat yourself on the back and feel like you won, go ahead.
Jobo, that is so far from making sense on any level I am at a loss for how to even begin to answer. Hopefully you understand your gibberish.
If you need to pat yourself on the back and feel like you won, go ahead.
i already have, about 4 hours ago
just been reading an article on the latest generation of space '' telescopes'' the first of which has launched this week

there 4500 systems that they know of with big planets, that may or may not have small rocky worlds. these will allow them to find them, if they are there and also, most importantly analyse the atmosphere of all the planets contained and therefore hopefully pick up the signs of life

so we may be very close to finding life if it is indeed abundant , though we seem no closer to being able to shake hands with it, if its somewhat rarer wi still have another trillion or so star systems to look at so it may take a little time, possible a good bit longer than the time the earth has left before its swallowed by the sun
water is common in the universe. So far the only life we have discovered is on Earth.

Because we have not been able to test the water on other planets for life as of yet with our current technology. There could be dolphins swimming in the oceans on Jupiters moon Europa for all we know. Or there may be life at a bacterial level. Or nothing at all. Hope I live long enough to get the answer
Because we have not been able to test the water on other planets for life as of yet with our current technology. There could be dolphins swimming in the oceans on Jupiters moon Europa for all we know. Or there may be life at a bacterial level. Or nothing at all. Hope I live long enough to get the answer
Huge doubts for the dolphins on Europa. But the bacteria, yeah, I hope I live to see those answers.
Because we have not been able to test the water on other planets for life as of yet with our current technology. There could be dolphins swimming in the oceans on Jupiters moon Europa for all we know. Or there may be life at a bacterial level. Or nothing at all. Hope I live long enough to get the answer
I forget which element it is but the 'water' we once thought is on Titan (a Saturn moon) is actually an elemental liquid. It is cold enough there to be in a fluid state. Not everything that looks like gold is.
If we don't wipe ourselves out first, I think we'll eventually discover some forms of life on other planets.

But according to people I know in the Military, life from other places has already been here.
I forget which element it is but the 'water' we once thought is on Titan (a Saturn moon) is actually an elemental liquid. It is cold enough there to be in a fluid state. Not everything that looks like gold is.
Likely to be liquid ethane or methane. There is some thought that a life form could evolve to survive in that environment. If so, we might be unable to recognize it as a life form, it would be so different from us.
If we don't wipe ourselves out first, I think we'll eventually discover some forms of life on other planets.

But according to people I know in the Military, life from other places has already been here.

Unless the military is doing an excellent job of keeping secrets and we are much farther along in the space travel department, I feel 'they' will visit us first on a scale that everyone will be aware.
I hope it will not be some kind of Independence Day (the movie) extinction event. It is anybody's guess.