Carol Kaur said:Thanks for the props Iceman! :asian:
Its very very interesting...coming from an eastern faith, some of the stories in my own scriptures carry similar messages to those told in the Bible. Yet many of my holy writings are heavily metaphoric, and are to be meditated on to explore how the writings apply to the path in front of oneself. Many of the scriptures have an undercurrent that implies (simplifying here) the root of evil is some/all forms of indulgence, and to stay on the path of right living, one must fight and eliminate that indulgence.
By comparison, Christianity to me always seemed to be a bit dogmatic, full of Thou Shalts, Thou Shalt Nots, and Jesus Saids. Dogmatic is not a bad thing, IMO. Christianity struck me as a faith where it was easier to "understand the rules", as they were spelled out more clearly.
This is shattering my perception of Christianity. For when I read things like "only when necessary" and "only what is necessary", I'm seeing more paralells with the "fight indulgence" values of my own faith. I'm also discovering that Jesus was perhaps not quite as dogmatic and easy to understand as I thought.
Forgive my, er, indulgence hereI dunno about you all but I am finding the answers to what seemed to be a simple be very complex and very fascinating. I hope more of you continue to post your views, and please continue to keep the respectful tone. :asian:
I'm always interested in how Christianity comes across to those of other faiths. When I was younger, I held pretty tightly to a dogmatic understanding of Scripture, Jesus & faith in general. As I've gotten older (some would say theologically more liberal) I am less dogmatic. While I still ask the question "What would Jesus Do" (or rather its now, What would Jesus have me Do) I realize there are a lot of factors that inform my decisions now.
Sadly, a lot of folks in the Church (whether theologically liberal or conservative) select parts of the Bible for their doctrine & ignore other parts. I'm certainly guilty of this as well. I'm much more a fan of Micah 6:8
"He (God) has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly & to love mercy & to walk humbly with your God." than some other parts of the Old Testament. I wish some parts of Scripture weren't there. But they are & I have to embrace them, too.
But back to your original question on "if I believe "X" how does that jibe with my MA experience. As I said, I believe Jesus was more on the spectrum toward pacifist than in the "gun totin'" camp. Although not completely. In my reading of the Gospels, I note Jesus' "defending the intent of the Temple as a House of Prayer" by driving out the money changers (John 2:12ff). I feel that Jesus allows for us to defend ourselves to fight to defend others in need. The way that works out in my personal life is, I will fight if I have to, but I don't look for it. I'm more likely to walk away. After 24 years in MA, I still train hard, but for the pleasure of it & to perfect techniques.
Your simple question doesn't have a simple answer, sadly. It brings up the idea of "just war," & other not-so-easy subjects. I appreciate the question & the debate.