Do you shadow box in addition to doing Katas?

Yeah, maybe I should have been more precise. So meant shadow box a round or two
I have never shadowed boxed for a round or two in the classical context of a boxer but do shadow box on a regular basis. As @Buka said shadow boxing is done in context a great many ways so the answer to your question is varied.
Moving at a reduced speed while working on technique and the mental component in invaluable. It really helps flush out the mental mush and crap and improves recall ability when needed.
Habit and repetition training.
I gave up learning Katas a long time ago after some years popping in to spar in Kenpo schools. Shadow boxing teaches a more natural flow, for me.
I generally only practice weapon katas when teaching brand newbies. Shadow boxing and footwork drills have faster results so i dropped all empty hand kata from my training and teaching long ago.
Of course, both are good and done for different reasons. I prefer shadowboxing as it is more freeflowing and natural. I am also not at beginning level at which point I might have not been able to even shadowbox properly due to lack of knowledge of techniques or options.

I do Kata mostly for relaxation, refining muscles and breathing focus. I also do them intensively and with intension for quick bathroom workout at work (don't tell my boss).

Also depends what someones ultimate goal is. And I still like to think thay kata teaches proper form and posture for beginners before they engage in free flowing movements.