Do you know this guy in the video? I bet you do

It's only human nature. Alot of what the 2 guys say disrespect and put down the practitioner so I can understand the feeling behind some of the comments. Other than "glass houses" "pot calling kettle black" and all that seems. Responses would have been different if they posted this video instead of the put down videos. They "made that bed" on their own.

Best not put stuff like this on YouTube and post it on a forum if you dont want to read comments. If it had have been competition where people hit each other rather than a couple of pads it might have been more interesting. From what I see on the video woman do this far more aggressively just to keep fit that dont even do M.A.
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Best not put stuff like this on YouTube and post it on a forum if you dont want to read comments

To be fair to them they didn't post it here, someone else did. In fact I'm pretty sure they haven't posted anything on here at all, it's always been done by others.
To be fair to them they didn't post it here, someone else did. In fact I'm pretty sure they haven't posted anything on here at all, it's always been done by others.

That's not entirely true, they had a few visors they posted on here under the same name "martial arts tutor" as their YouTube channel name. It was some video about Bruce lee being the first mixed martial artist.
Best not put stuff like this on YouTube and post it on a forum if you dont want to read comments. If it had have been competition where people hit each other rather than a couple of pads it might have been more interesting. From what I see on the video woman do this far more aggressively just to keep fit that dont even do M.A.
lol. those 2 guys don't care what other people say or how they make other people feel. They are odd anyway. The guy with the beard is the only person that I know who puts down the very same Martial arts that he teaches. I guess he still teaches TKD. From the video it looks like he's mixing Muay Thai in there.
lol. those 2 guys don't care what other people say or how they make other people feel. They are odd anyway. The guy with the beard is the only person that I know who puts down the very same Martial arts that he teaches. I guess he still teaches TKD. From the video it looks like he's mixing Muay Thai in there.

He teaches the style he thinks is useless because it makes him money :(. That's the kind of teacher you don't want to have.

My sifu said to me this because he knows I practice other martial arts, "do not mix what you still do not know yet." This guy can learn from that saying. If I honestly end up in a real fight right now, I would end up doing my American Kenpo and Judo stuff, I don't know Shou shu well enough to do it in a real fight.
That's not entirely true, they had a few visors they posted on here under the same name "martial arts tutor" as their YouTube channel name. It was some video about Bruce lee being the first mixed martial artist.

Shows how memorable they were lol, quite honestly sleeping dogs should have been left to lie, gone and forgotten.
Shows how memorable they were lol, quite honestly sleeping dogs should have been left to lie, gone and forgotten.

Yeah to be honest they never really ever "participated" here. They just post a thread about their video then vanish.