Green Belt
Aside from the obvious empty hand techniques and environmental weapons available for self defense, do you typically keep a weapon close for self defense purposes? I am very new to the FMA and I can see that it is clearly a weapons-based flavor of martial arts (though very applicable unarmed). It seems to make sense that an FMA practicioner would keep a weapon on hand...kuboton key chain, collapsable baton, tactical folding knife. Perhaps the real intent of my question is...who keeps sticks on hand? Do you keep one in the car, the bedroom, the front foor?
Unlike TKD, Wing Chun, BJJ etc. FMA people must have a more difficult time carrying their primarily trained weapon with them. Iadoka and Kenshi would have similar difficulties, but no one really trains in those arts for self defense anyway.
Unlike TKD, Wing Chun, BJJ etc. FMA people must have a more difficult time carrying their primarily trained weapon with them. Iadoka and Kenshi would have similar difficulties, but no one really trains in those arts for self defense anyway.