Superior Tang Soo Do's Weapons Hyung


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Tang Soo Do was originally an empty handed art and weapons were not an original part of the curriculum. Many Tang Soo Do teachers have added weapons training to their curriculum in order to round out the self defense aspects of the art. The following forms are the weapons forms that we teach at our dojang.
Tanto Hyung is a form that came from a Japanese system and was modified in order "Koreanize" it. Most of the principles that it was trying to teach remained intact, however. Please feel free to discuss what you see...
Unig Zyow is an Arnis De Mano form that shows the usage of a single stick that is about an arms length long. This form goes through the basic attacks, footwork, and basic defenses associated with those attacks. The main principle this form is teaching is the Block/Check/First Strike principle.
The Cane Form comes from a Tang Soo Do Master named Mark Shuey, who has crafted a system for using the cane called Cane Masters. This form draws techniques from many different styles and it demonstrates the various ways that a cane can be used to defend oneself.
The following form is a Tai Chi Staff form that I learned from a teacher in T.T Liang's lineage. This form demonstrates some of the basic ways that a staff can be used in combat and is considered a starting point for those who would like to use this weapons. This form includes basic striking, basic ways of holding the staff, stances, blocks and some weapon traps.
This form was created by me and was inspired by my training in Inosanto Blend Kali. I created this form in order to help me remember many of the drills that we did involving the use of the stick and the knife in combination. This form incluces basic ways the stick and the knife can work together, some footwork, and a couple of kicks and sweeps that work into the flow of these drills.

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