Do We Have Any Reiki Practitioners Or Master's On MartialTalk?

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
I was curious to know if we had any Reiki master's or practitioner's on MartialTalk. If you are who did you train under?
So could you tell us a little about your training and what benefits you have received from it?
I think that reiki is of great benefit to all people, it is unique at first, but then it just feels natural. Human beings are compassionate people, and reiki makes great use of this quality. Reiki in many ways has brought me a greater sense of peace and well being in my life than I had before it, it is somthing that gets at the root of your soul, its not just somthing that can be practiced as a hobby, or art, but somthing that must be live. With that in mind I think that reiki and mu do (budo) are very beneficial to practice together for true unification of the mind bdy and spirit. Also a true martial artist to some form must be able to heal as well as hurt (bend and mend), this is in harmony with the law of cosmic duality, (um/yang)..
Certified Reiki 1 under Carmen Gallino.
Cool that is interesting. I do alot of energy manipulation and I imagine that what I do based on talking with two friends of mine who are reiki master's is very, very similar on a lot of levels. I find that it does help to tie the physical, mental and spiritual together. Kudo's to both of you!
Cool that is interesting. I do alot of energy manipulation and I imagine that what I do based on talking with two friends of mine who are reiki master's is very, very similar on a lot of levels. I find that it does help to tie the physical, mental and spiritual together. Kudo's to both of you!
We need to remember Rei Ki is Universal Energy. We all have ki/chi, we can all use ki/chi its just a matter of how you tackle it, to make yourself aware of it on a concious level, where we can view and manipulate it in our tangible outlook on the universe ;-)
So yes, in short it would be very similar, with the addition of the varied nature of "stylistic" forms...
Best Wishes,

Rebel Reiki Master here, got my Master level in 1995 in Alberta. Over the years I have come to disagree with some of the rituals/ceremonies involved and now I teach people how to feel and foster their ki without 'vaccinating' their chakras with symbols. Working with ki is our birthright. Four years ago I started practicing yoga which is easy to combine with ki work, now I've started Tang Soo Do and am learning how to let the energy flow out of a closed fist, no small task for somone used to healing people with an open palm and often over long distances. But I welcome the opportunity to learn another application of ki !

XOX Nikki
I am a reiki teacher through two lineages. Elizabeth Gilberg of the William Rand grp and Brian Morin of the American Reiki Masters Association grp. I love it teaching it and working it for myself and others...especially my wife and children.

Marlon Wilson
Just reviving this thread...

I studied under Lorraine Batty's tutelage in 2005, received my Master level attunement in Kundalini Reiki. However haven't practiced or done anything with Reiki for well over a decade...