Do students see their test scores?


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
These two posts caused me to start thinking about this...

Well everybody...I passed!!!!:boing1:

Now I am a Level Two student. My partner (who had a pulled rib muscle btw) also passed the test, which was great to hear because she has become a good friend.

Later this week our scores will be available to us so we can see where to work on improving. I am absolutely psyched about this. Now it feels like anything's possible.

Thanks to everybody who advised me in this thread. Drinks on me at the Urusai Bar & Grill!:cheers:

Congratulations, girlbug! :D :D

I think it's so cool that you get to see your scores.

Do students in your school see their test scores? Ours do - and they forms are designed for the testing instructor to be able to write comments about what the students did well, and what they should work on.
Yes and then they are put into there folders where the can come back and see what improvements have been made over the months between test. All of the sheets have where they where strong as well as weak in there test and what steps need to be taken to get to the level we expect.
I have never seen what my test scores were when I was moving up through the ranks. However, we would discuss the area(s) in which I need to work on a little bit more. Therefore, of the students I did promote, I would handle it the same way.
When I used a test format that utilized a point scoring method my students received a copy of their test form.It is theirs, after all.

Now I use a pass/fail method on each section of the test. The student must receive a pass to continue the test. Each section has my observations and justifications recorded for their score.The testing forms are also theirs to have.

I keep copies of them, for my student records but I think that having a record of the feedback is important for the student.

Yes, we use a form with a grid broken down into different areas. Then there is a seperate score for each one, so you can see what you are falling down on. There is also a section for the instructor to write comments or constructive criticism. I think it's important to see your scores- not just so you know what you need to work on, but to see what you're good at too. Helps with the old self-esteem ;)
We score them and make comments which are discussed among the instructors. The students are encouraged to discuss the details with the person that evaluated them. The score sheet is kept in the students file and is available if the students wants to see it.
No, we do not see our test scores. If someone doesn't pass a test or spotlight, they are told what they need to work on at the end of the test as our Sa Ba Nim is passing out stripes or new belts. For example, "X, you need to work on your one-step sparring combinations." Sometimes, comments are written on the back of their attendance cards. (We pull our attendance cards before class and they are scanned in to a computer to record attendance.)

I know we all have something to work on. I don't think a student can possibly know what needs improvement specifically.
No. Test scores are instructor-instructor privilege. Students do not receive test scores, they do receive feedback regarding what they need to work on.
Black belt students do hear what their scores were before they find out if they pass or not.
We don't see ours. Like everyone else we get feedback on what needs work. Once you reach instructor level you have access to the files and can look back over your old test scores.
I have only on one or two occasions actually had a score card to judge if a student passed or failed. My testing is done in front of me and I will tell a student that they need more work on this or that but see no reason to put it on paper.
Most of my testing is done at my whim and I usually do not even let a student know they are testing. If they have been around long enough they should know they are being tested each and every class and that I may or may not decide to make it a true test night at any time.
My school doesn't use a point based scoring system for testing. They know what the required material need to look like and expect nothing less. If small errors are made then our private instructor brings them up at our next private lesson and helps to polish the mistakes out of the material.
I guess I am the only one that will show the test score, I find this odd. I am sure like most of you you talk to them and go over everything so why not show it, they already know?
I guess I am the only one that will show the test score, I find this odd. I am sure like most of you you talk to them and go over everything so why not show it, they already know?

I do too - I said that in the first post.
These two posts caused me to start thinking about this...

Do students in your school see their test scores? Ours do - and they forms are designed for the testing instructor to be able to write comments about what the students did well, and what they should work on.

Our students see their test scores and feedback. This lets them know what they need to work on. It also lets them know which instructor wrote what comments and therefore they know who to ask about what comment.
No. I have never recieved a score sheet nor have given one. Sensei would call us in one by one to discuss the results and tell you what you needed to work on whether you pass or not. One of my instructors didn't even give tests in the traditional sense. He would call you onto the mat and ask you to perform and after class if you performed well he would call you into his office and give you your certificate and belt. That was it. You never knew when you would be tested. It was up to him when you were ready.
We have no scores, you either pass or you don`t. Each will be given an evaluation after what was good not so good etc. Usually given so all can hear but can be done in private if the student prefer. It is not suger coated in any way and will tell you exactly what you need to work on.