Discovery 2009!!!


Green Belt
Feb 1, 2009
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Well its almost that time of year again. Ha I sound like I've been there before. anyways as student who hasn't even been in ninjutsu for 1 year I would like to know all about discovery what are we going to be doing and who I can expect to see there (that means you guys!!!)
Well its almost that time of year again. Ha I sound like I've been there before. anyways as student who hasn't even been in ninjutsu for 1 year I would like to know all about discovery what are we going to be doing and who I can expect to see there (that means you guys!!!)

Can't make it this year again, but wish I could go. If you are going, stop by the bunch of crazies that train under Loren Gordon in Caribou at his school and tell them Scott says "Hi!" I think the regular cast is going to be there according to the flier I got the other day from John. He is going to do a set, as is Brett, Marc Jobin from Quebec, Tori Eldridge from California. I would bet Hardee Merritt is going to be there as well. The best time is on Sunday when he has different instructors come up and toss out a quick one or two techniques. You get a feel for what is happening in different parts of the Country for training.

BRING YOUR NOTEBOOK!! Yes I am yelling that :D. There is SO much information shown and given it will take you literally months or years to digest it all. Take detailed notes because in a week or two when you look at it, what made sense at the time can be pretty cryptic and make zero sense in the here and now.

If in your wandering about training with different people you happen to pair up with a rather small woman named Anik pay attention, she is rather smooth and quite good. She has been training since she was a kid, starting up in Presque Isle, ME with John, Brett, and Loren.
Hmmmm would she have been at the ground fighting seminar this fall with bret and john? I remeber meeting a girl who I think was a black belt but a year younger than me? would this be her?
anyways I'll definatly try to pass on the greeting. it will be a good icebreaker. and if they are a bunch of crazies I will probley fit right in ;)
Hmmmm would she have been at the ground fighting seminar this fall with bret and john? I remeber meeting a girl who I think was a black belt but a year younger than me? would this be her?
anyways I'll definatly try to pass on the greeting. it will be a good icebreaker. and if they are a bunch of crazies I will probley fit right in ;)

Nope, she would be several years older than you are. It was probably Amanda. She has been training with my brother since she was 7 or 8 as well.
Nope, she would be several years older than you are. It was probably Amanda. She has been training with my brother since she was 7 or 8 as well.

If in your wandering about training with different people you happen to pair up with a rather small woman named Anik pay attention, she is rather smooth and quite good. She has been training since she was a kid, starting up in Presque Isle, ME with John, Brett, and Loren.

alright I'll be on the look out for this girl. What makes her stand out though? as a yellow belt all the black belts look smooth and quite good to me.
Discovery is one of my favorite events of the year...unfortunately I am going to have to miss this years...too much going on and not enough time.

The thing to expect is the unexpected. None of the instructors even really know what each other is going to be covering. The coolest thing though is somehow everything everyone shows somehow starts to come together as if it had been planned (which it most definitely is NOT).

If you do get a chance to train with Anik watch your groin ;) She tends to be a bit mean after training with John and Brett for so long!
If you do get a chance to train with Anik watch your groin ;) She tends to be a bit mean after training with John and Brett for so long!

duely noted. sounds like a good person to train with though, provided you have cup/.
Be afraid!!! She is tiny but mean as all hell!!!!!
... o_O if shes this deadly then why am I being told to train with her (experience I guess)

hey SKB are you going to discovery?
No I won't make it, work and all that. Besides don't it snow and stuff back there? My California mind can not get around the idea of it being that cold and people living it because they want to!!!!
... o_O if shes this deadly then why am I being told to train with her (experience I guess)

hey SKB are you going to discovery?

Because she is a good person on top of skilled. Protect the jewels and you will learn how to move properly and not muscle through techniques.
ARRRGGHHH....why does it have to be this weekend?

I don't practice To-Shin-Do but I've been trying to make the Maine gathering for awhile just to try it and meet make some new friends.

Unfortunately I'll be finishing my move, which will be nowhere near as much fun :(
ARRRGGHHH....why does it have to be this weekend?

I don't practice To-Shin-Do but I've been trying to make the Maine gathering for awhile just to try it and meet make some new friends.

Unfortunately I'll be finishing my move, which will be nowhere near as much fun :(

Well I hope your moving went well... I know discovery did ^_^ awww it was awsome. actually the funny thing is I worked out with Anik for a little while with out realising it. (she must have a soft spot for yellow belts because she was far from mean.)

and you were planning on comming carol!? what art have you studied? anyways it was a blast and i totally made some new friends and learned some cool tricks (like during the nerve fighting part of the seminar) If your interested I hope you can make it next year. it would be neat to meet someone I had been talking to on the chat boards in person
Well I hope your moving went well... I know discovery did ^_^ awww it was awsome. actually the funny thing is I worked out with Anik for a little while with out realising it. (she must have a soft spot for yellow belts because she was far from mean.)

and you were planning on comming carol!? what art have you studied? anyways it was a blast and i totally made some new friends and learned some cool tricks (like during the nerve fighting part of the seminar) If your interested I hope you can make it next year. it would be neat to meet someone I had been talking to on the chat boards in person

Yah...moving was...moving. Its done, that's the important part. I'd rather be sore from getting beat up than sore from schlepping boxes.

My training is Filipino, although between my work hours and a messed up back I haven't been doing much of anything recently. However, I'm open to taking a seminar with established people in just about any art, as long as its a seminar where clumsy noobies are welcome...LOL. And if its an excuse to go to Maine, then all the better. ;) I'd like to be there next year if I can swing it. Sounds like a fun time.
Well I hope your moving went well... I know discovery did ^_^ awww it was awsome. actually the funny thing is I worked out with Anik for a little while with out realising it. (she must have a soft spot for yellow belts because she was far from mean.)

and you were planning on comming carol!? what art have you studied? anyways it was a blast and i totally made some new friends and learned some cool tricks (like during the nerve fighting part of the seminar) If your interested I hope you can make it next year. it would be neat to meet someone I had been talking to on the chat boards in person

Anik is NEVER mean, she just trains hard usually. She has great control though, so she tones it down a LOT when working with lower belts. Wait until you get a bit higher ranking or she gets to know you better. Then she goes a bit harder and you have to watch yourself.

Who did the nerve stuff? Was it Loren from up in Caribou? He loves that type stuff. I wish I had a dollar for every bruise he has left over the years. And a 5 for every time a portion of my anatomy was left numb and tingling like it was plugged into a wall outlet.
I really hope I can meet up with you one of these days Scott. We New Englanders have to stick together...even if we do live several hours apart. :lol:
I really hope I can meet up with you one of these days Scott. We New Englanders have to stick together...even if we do live several hours apart. :lol:

Well....... A bit more than a couple of hours now. That is the big reason I have been off the site for a while. I moved back to Michigan because Northern Maine just really was not a good fit for us anymore. I have been so busy that I haven't had any time at all hardly.