Discomfort in hip Muay Thai; Stretching? Please Help


White Belt
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
I have been training for 1-2 months In Thailand.

I feel like my kick has gotten worse from the first month,
I experience a cramp in my outer hip especially when performing the splits and raising my leg high or kicking pads.( I think it hurts my technique also because I pivot too much and rotate my hips not enough.)
I went to physio, and got an ultrasound treatment on it.
and was told to only stretch to the start of discomfort.

After researching I think it may be inflamed (burtitis)

But can't find much useful info was wondering if any other trainers experience a similar condition and how they deal with it?
I believe icing it is good after training but some sources say that I should avoid stretching because it will just aggravate it more what do you think?

Certainly I feel this way when trying to do the splits (feels kinda like it's slightly dislocated for a wee bit afterward.)

Thanks, I haven't heard of an osteopath before I am looking into that now.
It does feel like it is "out" and needs to pop into the right spot.
You might want to give these a try.

In either stretch - if you find them too uncomfortable, place the soul of your foot (bent leg) against the opposite thigh instead of over/under it.

Best of luck!
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