7 Star mantis,
With the utmost repect to you. Do you want the truth or the version they have been saying for years.
Mantis king
I'll keep this short as not to hyjack the thread. I can understand your mindset having done the research you have done. I've done quite a bit of research myself and I understand the whole truth vs. story issue. I was simply interested in your findings that supported your statement about northern mantis being derived from southern. I read your post above, looks like you have done quite a bit or research on the topic.
Have you heard of the Mantis Quarterly put out by Sifu Steve Cottrell? You might find it interesting, he is a big historian and researcher of the mantis style. I myself am not as much a researcher or historian as some. I prefer to spend more time training than researching, but different people have different personalities in the arts
Good to have you here at MArtialTalk, look forward to reading more of your posts.
Ok, you guys can have your thread back!