Digital Angel and the Military...


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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I was listening to some radio program last night at about 1am on my way home from work... (sorry, I dont know what it was exactly) the the host made a suggestion that all American soldiers and contracters be implanted with DIGITAL ANGEL tracking chips...

That way soldiers/civilians who are captured can be located. What are your thoughts on this?
Technopunk said:
I was listening to some radio program last night at about 1am on my way home from work... (sorry, I dont know what it was exactly) the the host made a suggestion that all American soldiers and contracters be implanted with DIGITAL ANGEL tracking chips...

That way soldiers/civilians who are captured can be located. What are your thoughts on this?
I couldn't tell you which one (not because "I'd have to kill you, but because it was from a conversation at a clam bake and I had a few tee moony martoonies), but I do remember talking to a prior service guy who said some civilian Executive types were voluntarily having these tracking chips installed because of the risk of kidnap and ransom situations in the areas they did business (Central/South America, Mid East....).

The 'big brother' ramifications of technology are always there with every new thing. But, if the gov, according to so many critics, couldn't legislate its way out of a wet paper bag, why and how are they going to keep tabs on little old me? And, quite honestly, why would they want to?

Hacking and 'stalking' might be more of a risk...

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