Different Pics Of Yourself

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Tess -

pretty costume in the hobbit house pic...

do you go to renaissance faire?

if so, you and seig should come out to the california faires sometime. they're an amazing experience

Originally posted by Nightingale
Tess -

pretty costume in the hobbit house pic...

do you go to renaissance faire?

if so, you and seig should come out to the california faires sometime. they're an amazing experience

We used to go but haven't been in a couple of years, that whole time and money issue.
Originally posted by Nightingale
Tess -

pretty costume in the hobbit house pic...

do you go to renaissance faire?

if so, you and seig should come out to the california faires sometime. they're an amazing experience


Thanks Kris :)

I love Ren Faires.. when Seig and I lived in Florida.. we worked at one.. had a blast~!!

Wouldn't it be fun to have the time and money with no constraints and just go and do what we wanted to for a year or so *G*
*wistful sigh*
I know what you mean. I've worked Southern California (Riverside) Faire for the last 6 years except for this year (because I got stuck working weekends at my regular job).

I'm going to the northern california faire in october, and have been saving $$ for 6 months just for the one weekend! I'll post a pic of me in my costume afterwards.


Weekend Faire Pass: $40.00
Hotel: $150.00
Gas: $120.00
Faire Food: $60.00
Random Trinket I can't live without: $100.00
Weekend spent in another place and time: Priceless


I hope you have the time of your life ;)

There's one they have in Baltimore every year.. but I'm not too keen on that as they blacktopped the 'streets' and uhh.. that sure takes away the ambiance of the times.. in Florida it was held in a gorgeous park..under the canopy of exotic trees.. it was a lovely one..

Look forward to your pics~!
Trouble Inc.


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That's a great shot Renegade~!! *staying far away from Mr. Planas and his whip.. though maybe he'd let me borrow it for the dungeon * G*
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
His whip stuff is really wicked. On the otherhand he's extremely accurate with it.:eek:
now we know how he keeps you animals in line.
Yeah- he had to tone his whipping down a bit at our last seminar- he was frightening the instructor's kids!!

That and the instructor's wife jokingly told him he'd have to pay the bill if he put a hole in the ceiling or the floor with it!!

:asian: :karate: