Different Pics Of Yourself

I feel like I've come in on the middle of a movie here. You people have obviously known each other a lot longer than I've been around, and indulge in all manner of... banter. ;)
We're sorta like a family.

(and just as crazy.) :D

Originally posted by KenpoTess
yeah like we say at the Studio.. we're all family.. Manson that is ;)
Not the Adams Family?
Originally posted by Kimpatsu
I feel like I've come in on the middle of a movie here. You people have obviously known each other a lot longer than I've been around, and indulge in all manner of... banter. ;)

Indeed Kimpatsu.. Many of us know each other off-line as well as on-line.. :)
You get used to each other's quirks.. and boy do we have them~!!!
Kaith is the relative nobody admits to ;)

Originally posted by KenpoTess

Indeed Kimpatsu.. Many of us know each other off-line as well as on-line.. :)
You get used to each other's quirks.. and boy do we have them~!!!
Kaith is the relative nobody admits to ;)


Originally posted by KenpoTess
Get outta the Hot tub Bob~!!! *egad~!!!

Hey, the view is very nice down here now that the other guys left and I'm alone with all the ladies.
