Differences between Ju jitsu and BJJ

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kenpo_student
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I would like to quote a sentence from a George Kirby Book.

It was my own instructor's belief that there
are no styles of Ju Jitsu

Do U guy's know what Chikura Kurabe is?
If not let me tell ya.
It is a Japanies stlye of Wrestling that served as the base for

Also known as Yawara & Taijutsu. ( Taken from the book Kodokan Judo by Jigoro Kano)

Make not that Kano was the first to ever use Colored belts as well
So if U were a black belt from Ju Jitsu
U now know that it is even more related than U thought.

Perhaps BJJ is not as traped in history as some styles.
but it is still Ju Jitsu & they have done more to create intrist in the art then anyone in the last Decade.

Oooo yeah Just to note I am not Ranked in BJJ.
But i still see it as Jiu Jitsu for the same reason

Daitokan, Aki Jutsu, Goshin Jutsu Yoshin Ryu
So on & so forth Are Ju Jutsu

It is like a family's last name
just cause U don't like your cousin does not mean He/She is not related:D

jj has evolved like all other arts from the past. If it didn't it would be useless today and that moderenazation is what spawned all the JJ arts. I mean it isn't like you walk down the street and are assulted by 100 guys ridding horses weilding swords.
Qasim Uriah Gardner.
U asked if i do Martial Arts & i gladly replyed.

U have bee absent from the rest of this debate.
Just wonderd how U are. :D :D

In the old day's they trained to pertect
there family's there land there home

Now a day's most train to get this colored belt.
actuly it has no color it is black.

:( :(
I pre fer the old method my self
lol I have to train so my girlfriend doesn't beat me up when Primo comes over lol
My point is that jujitsu is a dangerous art designed to take on opponent, possibly many at once, either armed or unarmed and cause damage to said opponents causing them to stop fighting you. Preferably without getting hurt.

BJJ seems to be focused on dealing with only one opponent at a time, and concentrates on dealing with unarmed prey ( :) ). To my mind this is most certainly not jujitsu, in the same way that Judo is not Jujitsu.

Add to that the fact that most people I know in BJJ train solely for tournament fighting and not for the defence aspect of the art, and you have a style of fighting that may be good in the ring, but is impractical on the streets.
Im willing to bet on 2 agianst one any day oft the week.
Have U faced 2 againtst one i bet not.

Back to Ju Jitsu
I have been reading this for a week.
the Bottom Line is this
It is Jiu Jitsu wether
U like it or don't like.
BJJ is mostly practiced for sport that is a givin but most good schools do self defense as well. I bet if you told Royce that BJJ isn't good in the street he would have something to say.
I bet he would, but faced against 3 guys with broken bottles he might quiet down a bit. Nobody disputes it'd be great for 1 on 1 ground fighting, but at least personally, my head is too close to the ground to be stomped for me to want to ever be down there with the possibility of a second attacker.
The issue is this
BJJ is a form of Jiu Jitsu

And the head can all ways be brought the ground>:redeme:

If you think anyone can take three guys with broken bottles maybe you should stop watching Van Damn movies. I am sure Royce would get the hell out of there just like I would.
So would I. Just an exaggerated example of BJJ's main weakness, which is against multiple opponents. Yeah, I'd run, but what if I couldn't? I wouldn't want to go to the ground. Luckily though, most BJJ guys cross train in striking at some point (and it's usually offered at their school), so they probably learn some at some point, though it may not be self-defense directly.

And yes, of course BJJ is jiu-jitsu, because the only kind of jiu-jitsu there is is BJJ. Is BJJ jujutsu? No, and most would say it's much closer to judo (which it came from) than jujutsu. I'm not even sure what defines Jujitsu compared to Jujutsu, at least technique-wise, if there is any. Organization wise I understand.
Judo comes from Ju Jutsu
Bjj Comes from Judo
The Fact is this
It is Jiu Jitsu!

Read spell it write it a letter
It is stil Ju Jutsu, Ju Jitsu, Jiu Jitsu
No, I've never faced 2 opponents at a time, but then I haven't been training in this style of Jujitsu for very long. If I was putting bets on a street fight between my sensei and any 3 average street thugs though, I'd put money on him winning without too much trouble.

The only thing close to a multiple attack I've done is dealing with 2 or 3 opponents at once in training, and it can be done just by getting one opponent in the way of the others while you finish him off. Then do the same with the other 2......

Against well trained opponents this wouldn't be as successful, but the majority of street thugs are not formally trained in anything resembling this, so they tend to rely on simple strikes and bear-hug style grappling (or holding their opponent for a friend to hit). We train to deal with all of this. While BJJ for the most part doesn't.

Dealing with many opponents at once requires good awareness, wherea if you focus on only 1 opponent you will lose the overall fight, even if you ake out that one person.
Originally posted by ace

Judo comes from Ju Jutsu
Bjj Comes from Judo
The Fact is this
It is Jiu Jitsu!

That's like saying "My father comes from my grandfather. I come from my father. Therefore I am my own grandfather"

Your logic is flawed. Just because you can follow BJJ back to Jujitsu via Judo doesn't make it Judo. By that logic, everything isn't actually an individual art, but is in fact however primates used to fight (some monkey-expert can fill out the details ;) )

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