Differences between Ju jitsu and BJJ

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This debate is in my @@ eyes stupid
I said it before I will say it again
BJJ is Jiu Jitsu.

Like it or not!

This is part of the reason for this being such a stupid debate. people come up with logical arguments and you respond with things like this. I have not tried to imply that BJJ is a bad competition art in any way, simply that it is not truly Jujitsu. And you come back with what I quoted above. You ridicule my knowledge and attempt to win by simply stating your same argument over and over.

I'm gonna bow out now, unless something I really want to reply to is said.
Originally posted by ace

And Kimura made abold Statement that if Helio could
Last longer than 5 minutes he should be the winner.
it lasted almost an hour.

This debate is in my @@ eyes stupid
I said it before I will say it again
BJJ is Jiu Jitsu.

Like it or not!

From what I have read Helio was unconscious within the first five minutes but he came to and kept going. No submission so he didn't lose.

Maybe Kimura did say all of these things I don't know but he still flogged Helio.

If you know where I can get a full copy of the fight which from what I have heard is non existant tell me please.

I agree with you on the Jiu Jutsu thing. It has too many similarities to be a totally new system.

Kimura Did Win.
But it Was with Ude Grami
( Kimura Lock/Hammer Lock/Figure 4 Chicken Wing)

But it was long.

And yes Ju Jutsu & Jiu Jitsu
Are related
Good Stuff.
Originally posted by ace

Kimura Did Win.
But it Was with Ude Grami
( Kimura Lock/Hammer Lock/Figure 4 Chicken Wing)

But it was long.

And yes Ju Jutsu & Jiu Jitsu
Are related
Good Stuff.

That is not what is quoted in Martial Musings by Robert Smith.
When I read it, it was interesting to hear a non-Gracie version of events. He firstly rendered Gracie unconscious with a dojime(leg scissor around the body). When Gracie recovered he applied a headlock so hard that it burst a blood vessel in Gracies ear and Gracies corner threw in the towel when the arm bar was secured. I can guarentee than the Gracie site shows very little incriminating footage on their videos (the dojime and blood etc)

Just what I've read
If U go to Kimura Vs Gracie there is
a picture of the end.

Note Helios pride would not let him
Self tap his shoulder was broken
And Carlos Gracie thru in the towel.
Good Stuff
Originally posted by ace

If U go to Kimura Vs Gracie there is
a picture of the end.

Note Helios pride would not let him
Self tap his shoulder was broken
And Carlos Gracie thru in the towel.
Good Stuff

Not tapping because of pride doesn't win any browny points in my book. Why not just accept that you are out of your league and come back to fight another day. With regards to strangles and chokes you are potentially risking your life with such stupidity.

Just some thoughts
Originally posted by sammy3170

Not tapping because of pride doesn't win any browny points in my book. Why not just accept that you are out of your league and come back to fight another day. Just some thoughts

Thats my thoughts, a lost is a lost don't care if you tap, get knock out, judges decesions, towel thrown in, forget to show up. The thing about excuses, there like a a%#holes everyone has one. I believe you can learn more about yourself, martial arts skills in losing than winning. Yes everyone likes to win, but did you learn or get any experence from it. Just my thoughts
Bob :asian:
Guy's i agree with ya .
But after a hour of fighting
his mined state was not probably
Were it should be.

If your cought your cought.
How Ever Helio did catch many Japaniese
Judoka / Fighters in Chokes & most went to sleep

It's the same thing.
If U are cought tap.

There is no dishonr in taping!!!

Good Stuff
Originally posted by ace

And yes Ju Jutsu & Jiu Jitsu
Are related

Actually Jujutsu with an I is the same thing as Jujutsu with a U.
Foreigners screwed up the pronunciation and spelling of the word and that's is the only difference between the two.
The argument on this forum
has been that Jiu Jitsu is not Ju Jutsu

U are the 1st person i dont know direct that
Agrees that Ju Jutsu & Jiu Jitsu

Are the same.:D
Good Stuff
Jiu Jitsu is not Ju Jutsu......JiuJitsu is not even a word in Japanese, truth be known. In the west they are interchangeable because not many people know it isn't a real Japanese word. Some foreigner screwed up the pronunciation long ago and it has stuck.

If anyone would take the time to learn a bit of Japanese they would know........or they could just ask a Japanese Jujutsu teacher what the difference was...the teacher would tell you there is no such word as JiuJitsu in the Japanese Lang......however maybe most western people are just too damn lazy, arrogant, or stupid to take the time to do that and learn, I don't know.
This case is Dead!!!!!!!!!

Say what U like i care no more!!!!!!!!!!

Don't Sing it
Bring it
Originally posted by ace

This case is Dead!!!!!!!!!

Say what U like i care no more!!!!!!!!!!

Don't Sing it
Bring it

Don't tell me you are one of those poor misguided people that actually thinks there are 2 different arts.....1 called Jujutsu and another called Jiujitsu........:rofl:

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