It is SIFU Dwight Love and no his Kung-Fu has not been added to Kara-Ho Kempo but Shihan Ka'imi has indeed trained with him for quite some time.
It is only correct to refer to someone as Shifu/Sifu if they are
your shifu/sifu, he is not, ergo I don't. He is an exceptionally talented man, and I respect him, but I also respect Chinese traditions and will never imply that I ever formally studied under him by calling him Shifu/Sifu. But, I do know the man and have spoken with him in depth on several occasions.
Furthermore, I never said it was his that had been blended. I said I suspected it. After all GM Kuoha did study gongfu, and he and Dwight (from Dwight's own mouth) "go back a long time." I also said, and this is logical rational: that Ka'imi having trained with Dwight when she adds to the art, I'm sure we will see some of that influence. You see that is my opinion, but it is based in sound reasoning. It is my opinion that all of the training we do affects how we move and do things. There is nothing unreasonable about speculating that when she inherits the art, she will do as her father before her has done and add to the art, improving things as she deems fit. To do so she will dig deep and draw from all her knowledge. For instances I know she has implemented some training changes already, at least according to the Kahananui family. Nani, I'm sure you know her (Shihan Ben's daughter), her brother's children are training up there and she has said that things are quite different from when we trained. I trust her. In fact, I took a group of Boy scouts up there to watch a class a few years ago so they could learn about MA, the training was different then I had remembered. More in the direction things where going when I left. So, those two things added together lead me to believe Nani, and leads me to believe that Ka'imi will leave her mark on Kara-Ho. And if she is to inherit the art, she should leave her mark!
Xing-Lu, please be careful in your analysis of Kara-Ho and Grandmaster Kuoha's "intent" with Kara-Ho.
Every time I have speculated about GM Kuoha's intent I have encouraged all to ask him about it. He is on here and can answer those questions. Never once have I implied to speak in an official capacity for him or the organization as a whole. I have been clear about that from the beginning, which means you have either misunderstood me in my posts or have not really read them. I have also encouraged people to also speak to GM Kouha about Chow and the questions they have regarding him.
You seem to have only a mild idea of the system.
I don't need my 5th dan to know the history of Kenpo or to know what I have heard directly from GM Kuoha, Ka'imi, or Shihan Kahananui. Is Sensei Al still around? He and I used to have long conversations about the influences of Kara-Ho. The most memorable to me was during the Wyoming trip in his Volvo. I know Sensei Dan left, what About Sensei Bill, tall, cop, really loved his Motorcycle...
Do not make guesses and publish them as fact-
No where have I published anything as a fact except the following: I trained in Kara-Ho, my instructor trained under Chow directly (as it was GM), and that GM referred to Hongjia during "dojo story time," you know the time after saturday classes where we would all sit and listen and ask questions about Kara-Ho, that he added Aikido elements (look no further then Ki princible which are to be applied to all strikes and kicks, Lead Ki techs, and Knife defense techiques, not to mention the Jo form) and the Korean kicks (Jumping spinning wheel. In fact, just look at the "line works", in particular number 5), having studied Tang Soo Do I easily recognize a korean style kick when I see one, and it is a fact that GM studied the Korean arts. He took a great weapon and blended it into Kenpo, nothing wrong with that.
Other than that it has all been opinion, and I have been clear about that, referring people to GM to get the official answer.
Should I ask what rank you attained in Kara-Ho?
Should you? Are you? At any rate I'm going to assume that
was your request. I studied from age 7 to age 17 and earned my green belt and was preparing to test for my advanced green. I Stopped training shortly after he opened the commercial studio in El Cajon next to Kinkos (on E. Main and 2nd st.) for a vast multitude of reasons none of which are appropriate for a public forum. However, I would be more than willing to continue that discussion in PM with you.