Did I pass up something good? Or was it a charlatan?

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The pen is called life. Like I said before, if people don't believe me that's fine, it is impossible to back any of these events without video or a third party to verify them.

In reality though, what would I gain? None of this makes me look cool, none of this makes me look tough or impresses anybody. All it has done is get the majority of the forum to not like me and act rude toward me. If I were to make up stories to tell here wouldn't you think I'd pick more suited ones for the forum?
Like i said it's all speculation but maybe at first you thought telling us stories about getting in fights would impress us then when it didnt you told us about you getting humbled by your instructor by It, people still said you were in the wrong now trying to prove how much you've changed by constantly telling us in this thread how you were provoked and tried to walk away. Hey maybe these instances did happen but maybe not exactly how you're telling them also the fact what you say is inconsistent raises questions as well
The pen is called life. Like I said before, if people don't believe me that's fine, it is impossible to back any of these events without video or a third party to verify them.

In reality though, what would I gain? None of this makes me look cool, none of this makes me look tough or impresses anybody. All it has done is get the majority of the forum to not like me and act rude toward me. If I were to make up stories to tell here wouldn't you think I'd pick more suited ones for the forum?

You are getting a lot of attention so I'd say your posts are pitched right for the site. As we don't know you it doesn't matter whether we think you are 'cool' or not, that also goes whether your posts are true or not by the way.
It's interesting though that while you use words like 'cool' and 'make me look tough' you then use a word like 'charlatan' when a user of the former words would use 'scammer', 'conman' or similar, 'charlatan 'is a very literary word don't you think? Just a thought. :bookworm:
You are getting a lot of attention so I'd say your posts are pitched right for the site. As we don't know you it doesn't matter whether we think you are 'cool' or not, that also goes whether your posts are true or not by the way.
It's interesting though that while you use words like 'cool' and 'make me look tough' you then use a word like 'charlatan' when a user of the former words would use 'scammer', 'conman' or similar, 'charlatan 'is a very literary word don't you think? Just a thought. :bookworm:

I'm a pretty educated guy believe it or not. As for kickboxer, if I were trying to get liked or impress people I would have stopped after the first apparent "story" didn't go well, not continue the same thing expecting different outcomes.

For example, guy at party. I get called a bully and was told I should have walked away.

Sparring over someone saying karate sucks. Same result.

Uncle incident, same result.

Now this one, same result.

That's like 4 times of essentially the same thing not working out to make me look good. I posted them for insight and questioning whether or not I was in the right. Clearly I was not and here I was not as well.

My advice.... start a topic that does not involve you fighting with someone....
How about a topic that involves me fighting with someone. lol.
So, I was at a party last week and my drunk uncle got into an argument with JowGaWolf. My uncle said that "Kung Fu doesn't work on the street!" But then JowGaWolf said "Too bad for you we're not on the street, we're in a living room!" Then he threw my uncle through a window. Then JowGaWolf's sifu came in and said "You have brought shame upon our school! Defenestration of drunken dotards is contrary to the ethics of Jow Ga. Now we must fight!"

I was in the middle of chatting up some attractive ladies at the time, but when the fight broke out they said "This party is for losers" and they took off before I could get their phone numbers.

Anyway, my question is, if I lift more weights to build some really muscular arms, will I get invited to better parties where this sort of thing doesn't happen all the time?
So, I was at a party last week and my drunk uncle got into an argument with JowGaWolf. My uncle said that "Kung Fu doesn't work on the street!" But then JowGaWolf said "Too bad for you we're not on the street, we're in a living room!" Then he threw my uncle through a window. Then JowGaWolf's sifu came in and said "You have brought shame upon our school! Defenestration of drunken dotards is contrary to the ethics of Jow Ga. Now we must fight!"

I was in the middle of chatting up some attractive ladies at the time, but when the fight broke out they said "This party is for losers" and they took off before I could get their phone numbers.

Anyway, my question is, if I lift more weights to build some really muscular arms, will I get invited to better parties where this sort of thing doesn't happen all the time?
I laughed way harder than I should've at this haha
Iron bear. You really should jump in the ring. at least then you will be too beat up and tired to fight outside it.

Our guys have their last hard sparring session today.
I'm going to assume that the OP is indeed just confused, and not trying to troll the entire forum. With that in mind, here are a couple of responses ...

This didn't happen on purpose.
Whether it happened on purpose or not (although you absolutely DID purposely engage in a sparring match) is irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that you have now lied to your instructor, thus proving yourself to be a liar with no personal integrity. My questions is ... What are your plans to fix this rather large personal issue? Seems to me that repairing this rather glaring personality fault should be your first priority, followed closely by figuring out why you keep doing the same ridiculous things. However, you seem to have given this no thought other than to find excuses for yourself.

The pen is called life. Like I said before, if people don't believe me that's fine, it is impossible to back any of these events without video or a third party to verify them.

In reality though, what would I gain? None of this makes me look cool, none of this makes me look tough or impresses anybody. All it has done is get the majority of the forum to not like me and act rude toward me. If I were to make up stories to tell here wouldn't you think I'd pick more suited ones for the forum?
Seems to me that these stories are well suited to the forum, since they garner you much attention (as has been pointed out already). However, they are getting quite old. Just to recap how they appear to us reading the thread, they all go something like this .... "Hi, I acted like an idiot, is that OK? No? Well, it was only because of (insert excuses here)" Everything you write about reads that way. Seems to me that you need to be concentrating on why you insist on acting like an idiot rather than continually pushing for acceptance of your idiocy. I'll start reading your threads again when one starts with "Hey, I had my first session with a counselor today to try and sort out my life." Until that time, I think I'm done.

Good luck.
So, I was at a party last week and my drunk uncle got into an argument with JowGaWolf. My uncle said that "Kung Fu doesn't work on the street!" But then JowGaWolf said "Too bad for you we're not on the street, we're in a living room!" Then he threw my uncle through a window. Then JowGaWolf's sifu came in and said "You have brought shame upon our school! Defenestration of drunken dotards is contrary to the ethics of Jow Ga. Now we must fight!"

I was in the middle of chatting up some attractive ladies at the time, but when the fight broke out they said "This party is for losers" and they took off before I could get their phone numbers.

Anyway, my question is, if I lift more weights to build some really muscular arms, will I get invited to better parties where this sort of thing doesn't happen all the time?

Iron bear. You really should jump in the ring. at least then you will be too beat up and tired to fight outside it.

Our guys have their last hard sparring session today.

I did and it got me in trouble. Within time I will though when the time is right. Plus Australia is a bit far for me.
So, I was at a party last week and my drunk uncle got into an argument with JowGaWolf. My uncle said that "Kung Fu doesn't work on the street!" But then JowGaWolf said "Too bad for you we're not on the street, we're in a living room!" Then he threw my uncle through a window. Then JowGaWolf's sifu came in and said "You have brought shame upon our school! Defenestration of drunken dotards is contrary to the ethics of Jow Ga. Now we must fight!"

I was in the middle of chatting up some attractive ladies at the time, but when the fight broke out they said "This party is for losers" and they took off before I could get their phone numbers.

Anyway, my question is, if I lift more weights to build some really muscular arms, will I get invited to better parties where this sort of thing doesn't happen all the time?

I love it. 10/10 rotten tomatoes score of 100% imdb score of 5/5. I can't wait for the sequel.
So, I was at a party last week and my drunk uncle got into an argument with JowGaWolf. My uncle said that "Kung Fu doesn't work on the street!" But then JowGaWolf said "Too bad for you we're not on the street, we're in a living room!" Then he threw my uncle through a window. Then JowGaWolf's sifu came in and said "You have brought shame upon our school! Defenestration of drunken dotards is contrary to the ethics of Jow Ga. Now we must fight!"

I was in the middle of chatting up some attractive ladies at the time, but when the fight broke out they said "This party is for losers" and they took off before I could get their phone numbers.

Anyway, my question is, if I lift more weights to build some really muscular arms, will I get invited to better parties where this sort of thing doesn't happen all the time?
Thank you, I needed this today.
You know I think I've realised why I'm starting to not believe your stories. They all sound like they come out of a movie. A random guy starting a fight with you at a party you fighting to defend your honour in a gym, getting stabbed for standing up to a gang member, fighting the horrible abisive uncle and putting him in his place, your sifu teaching you right from wrong with a sparring match which you get dominated in and now a sleazy fight promoter forced you into the ring because you had no choice. There's probably about 100 martial art movies with those plots in them
Ironbear Kid, the Triolgy.
Enter the Ironbear.
You really put a lot of effort into trying to justify your douchebaggy behavior.
Maybe if you stopped, there might be a chance you'd grow up and stop the behavior instead.

Can you honestly say that you have never acted out of fear before? Or are you so cool and amazing that you have defeated fear entirely? Come on now. May I remind you that you weren't there when this incident happened. You weren't the one being confronted like Ironbear was, so you have no right to judge his response. Ironbear said he was scared of getting ganged up on by all the guys if he didn't agree to the fight, and having read his report on what happened, I would have had that same fear. Regardless of what might have happened, he felt threatened enough by these guys to break his promise to his sifu and take the fight.

I would urge anyone else replying to this thread to remember one crucial thing. NONE OF YOU WERE THERE! You are all passing judgement on Ironbear saying that he could have walked away and not taken the fight, and maybe that was true, but at the time he didn't know that. He didn't know what those guys wanted and what they would have done if he refused to fight. In the same way that a trapped wild animal will attack, regardless of whether those around the animal wish it harm. The animal doesn't know that and so will do whatever it can to protect itself rather than wait too late. I'm not saying Ironbear (despite his name) is an animal, but the base survival instinct exhibited in wild animals exists in all of us.
Can you honestly say that you have never acted out of fear before?

Nobody threatened him. Nobody forced him to do anything. They teased him and stood there. His "fear" is purely ego driven. That much is clear from the ongoing saga of his childish, violent, contemptible behavior.

That is assuming he's not making it up, as some have suggested. I don't think that is an entirely unreasonable consideration.
Nobody threatened him. Nobody forced him to do anything. They teased him and stood there. His "fear" is purely ego driven. That much is clear from the ongoing saga of his childish, violent, contemptible behavior.

That is assuming he's not making it up, as some have suggested. I don't think that is an entirely unreasonable consideration.

Please reread the OP:

I tried walking away but they didn't let me leave and stood in my way. I was pretty much circled by this group of people and I said alright, I'll do it.

I don't know about you but if a group surrounded me in that situation I would feel threatened too, even if they didn't actively say it. Acting out of fear is not contemptible in the slightest. I agree that Ironbear's previous acts were childish and ego driven, but this doesn't seem the case here. Now, there is a chance that the group would have let him walk away, but the fact that they surrounded him tells me they wouldn't have. After all, if they were just going to tease him for being a "pussy" and let him go then why surround him? It may just have been an unconscious movement but since we don't know the group's true motives we can't say for sure. Like I said, regardless of whether the act of surrounding Ironbear was intended to be threatening or not, he felt threatened enough to take the fight, out of self preservation.

There are other things at work here. Reread the follow-up post:

What is interesting is the guy I had to "fight" didn't even look like he wanted to be doing it. Leaves me to wonder why was he at all?

What is your take on that?
At the time yeah, thats what I thought and that's what my sifu told me. An anonymous phone call, I always had my hunch it was my uncle as did many other posters here.

It's a matter of process of elimination, who else would care that much to call and tell him about it?

So you haven't confirmed anything about who made the call, but are now confident to say it wasn't a member here? How difficult do you think it is to figure out where you train, and who you are, out of interest? Hmm…

I acted out of fear. I didn't want to be physically restrained by 8 people and possibly beat up. I didn't want them to escalate it to that.

You were in a public gym. They were asking you to engage one of their group in a sparring match (which, frankly, isn't something overtly plausible in the first place). There was no threat of violence. And really, what do you think their plan was? Ask you to fight, and if you said no, to fight you about it? Dude… if they wanted to beat you up, they wouldn't suggest a fight where 'they would watch out for cheating'… and really, you were so fearful that they'd fight you that you agreed to fight one of them, because…huh?

What I'm saying here is that, no, you didn't act "out of fear".

The pen is called life.

Ha! What?

Like I said before, if people don't believe me that's fine, it is impossible to back any of these events without video or a third party to verify them.

Well, some kind of plausibility to your stories would help, at least…

In reality though, what would I gain? None of this makes me look cool, none of this makes me look tough or impresses anybody. All it has done is get the majority of the forum to not like me and act rude toward me. If I were to make up stories to tell here wouldn't you think I'd pick more suited ones for the forum?

What would you gain? Attention. Which seems to have been what you're after through all your posts here, after all.

I'm a pretty educated guy believe it or not.

Hmm… no, I'm going to choose "not"… if we're talking comparative education, that is… purely objective? Eh, not that impressive, but nothing particularly low end either.

As for kickboxer, if I were trying to get liked or impress people I would have stopped after the first apparent "story" didn't go well, not continue the same thing expecting different outcomes.

Actually, your behaviour in your stories indicates that you'd do precisely that…

For example, guy at party. I get called a bully and was told I should have walked away.

And you didn't learn from that.

Sparring over someone saying karate sucks. Same result.

And you didn't learn from that.

Uncle incident, same result.

And you didn't learn from that.

Now this one, same result.

And you didn't learn from that.

And, let's not forget that one of your very first threads here detailed yet another random person (a 63 year old man, apparently), seeing you at a gym, and asking you to spar… completely outclassing you (look, there's a real case to be made for your stories following a particular structure, which doesn't lead me to think much of them are genuine, one of which is your insistence on putting yourself over in a way you feel will make you seem relatable, or humble, or whatever… this is yet another case), but with them telling you that it's just because they're more experienced, and you could be great (which reads as a delusional fantasy, frankly).

And you didn't learn from that.

If any of this happened, of course. And, if not, you haven't learnt from posting your fantasies here, it seems. Either way, you haven't learnt from your actions.

That's like 4 times of essentially the same thing not working out to make me look good. I posted them for insight and questioning whether or not I was in the right. Clearly I was not and here I was not as well.

Based on the structure of your arguments and posts, the way they're phrased, and your continued responses, no, you didn't post them for insight. You posted them to put across certain images of yourself to the forum at large, thinking you'd be seen one way (when it was often quite different), such as wanting to be told that you were actually in the right, or that you should "hang in there", or anything else to validate your behaviour.

You clearly weren't after insight, as frankly, you haven't taken anything on board at all.

I did and it got me in trouble. Within time I will though when the time is right. Plus Australia is a bit far for me.

You did what, get in a ring? And that got you in trouble? Are you talking about getting in the boxing ring in this story? How are you in trouble over that (leaving off the forum responses for a minute)? Has the story gotten back to your instructor, and he's finally gotten fed up with your refusal to grow up and take responsibility for your actions and decisions, and kicked you out?

Oh, and I really don't think drop bear was inviting you to his gym, you realise…

Can you honestly say that you have never acted out of fear before? Or are you so cool and amazing that you have defeated fear entirely? Come on now.

Bluntly, the description given by the OP doesn't match that either. Combine that with his professed actions in this and prior threads, and we have more than enough to put together a pattern of behaviour which can allow us to made certain observations and comments. None of this is taken in a vacuum.

May I remind you that you weren't there when this incident happened.

Honestly, I doubt that the OP was there either… or that it happened at all.

You weren't the one being confronted like Ironbear was, so you have no right to judge his response.

Garbage. He presented his side to us, and that, combined with the previous stories he's presented us with, gives us plenty to judge this new one, and his (claimed) behaviour.

Ironbear said he was scared of getting ganged up on by all the guys if he didn't agree to the fight, and having read his report on what happened, I would have had that same fear. Regardless of what might have happened, he felt threatened enough by these guys to break his promise to his sifu and take the fight.

Well, the only indication is the idea that he was surrounded (after saying no, and being provoked verbally), which lead to him saying yes. Catch is, of course, that this kind of intimidation/stand over tactic is not anything that has any real credibility to it, as it works against the motivations of the group themselves, and doesn't match anything else in the rest of the story.

So no, I don't buy it.

I would urge anyone else replying to this thread to remember one crucial thing. NONE OF YOU WERE THERE! You are all passing judgement on Ironbear saying that he could have walked away and not taken the fight, and maybe that was true, but at the time he didn't know that. He didn't know what those guys wanted and what they would have done if he refused to fight. In the same way that a trapped wild animal will attack, regardless of whether those around the animal wish it harm. The animal doesn't know that and so will do whatever it can to protect itself rather than wait too late. I'm not saying Ironbear (despite his name) is an animal, but the base survival instinct exhibited in wild animals exists in all of us.

And I would urge you to take a wider look at exactly why he's getting the response he is.

Please reread the OP:

I have. Multiple times.

I don't know about you but if a group surrounded me in that situation I would feel threatened too, even if they didn't actively say it. Acting out of fear is not contemptible in the slightest. I agree that Ironbear's previous acts were childish and ego driven, but this doesn't seem the case here.

No? I'd say they do… but we might be looking at different behaviours…

Now, there is a chance that the group would have let him walk away, but the fact that they surrounded him tells me they wouldn't have. After all, if they were just going to tease him for being a "pussy" and let him go then why surround him?

Better question, if they just wanted to have a (semi) legitimate competitive sparring match, one on one with one of their guys, involving protective gear and "no cheating", why would they be asking random guys in a gym? And, when asking someone, receiving a no as a response, then continuing to harass the person by insinuating a lack of manhood and so on, why would they need to continue with intimidation? Does that come across as the action of a group who are genuinely interested in a fair match up?

Seriously, does any of it sound like it actually could have happened the way he told the story? Or is it more likely that he was hitting the bag at the gym, someone said something like "hey, you hit pretty good!", which lead to a chat, which lead to an offer of sparring (from either the other guy, or from the OP), then the match itself. The story presented here is a way to justify it to us (given previous threads), showing that he "had no choice" but to agree… even the description of the match itself doesn't seem to have much realism to it (not that many of his stories seem to have any).

It may just have been an unconscious movement but since we don't know the group's true motives we can't say for sure. Like I said, regardless of whether the act of surrounding Ironbear was intended to be threatening or not, he felt threatened enough to take the fight, out of self preservation.

If it happened… and that's a big "if".

There are other things at work here. Reread the follow-up post:

Read it.

What is your take on that?

Either the story is at least partially true, in which case the other guy was likely there to take a dive/beating in order to instil in the OP the confidence that he could be successful, and therefore should accept their offer, give them the $800, and embark on his career of being a carnival attraction, or it's just another false element to an already lacking story designed to make us feel something on his side.
The story presented here is a way to justify it to us (given previous threads), showing that he "had no choice" but to agree… even the description of the match itself doesn't seem to have much realism to it (not that many of his stories seem to have any).

He doesn't need to justify anything to you, or anyone else on this site. He made this thread to ask whether it was normal for fight promoters or talent scouts to ask for $800 when signing up a new fighter. That is all. He only put the story in there to give a bit of background on the circumstances of the encounter. It had nothing to do with trying to justify his actions or gain the respect of a load of nobody's on the internet. If he had simply said something like: "I recently got approached by a guy who said they could get me into a fighting career, but I had to pay him $800 for fees and equipment to do it, so I walked away. Was this guy legit and is this sort of thing normal?" What would you have said? Would you be judging and interrogating him like some sort of criminal? The story, real or fake, is irrelevant to the reason for this thread being made. Just look at the title of the thread for your answer. The thread wasn't titled "I just had another fight." or "was I wrong to fight for this?", it was "Did I pass up something good, or was it a Charlatan?"
So… you're able to ascertain the OP's intent, as well as what you feel happened, based on your overly naive reading of the thread and some misplaced sense of false empathy, but when we take into account all of the his posting across the entire board, noting the patterns of behaviour, citing repeated actions, and observing how the various stories are presented, we aren't?

Hmm… honestly, I might suggest that you take a step back, and recognise where our responses are coming from. After all, there's a reason he's getting the same answer from so many…
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