Did a little training with Tony Dismukes

My only complaint is that you don’t have a film of your workout together. Or do you?
We didn't even get any pictures! My wife was right there reading a book - I could have gotten her to take some pictures and video, but it didn't occur to me until afterwards.
We didn't record anything. Would a video of stick figures fighting work as a substitute? lol. We both got a warning for talking too much martial art lol.
Smart man.

Don't record anything. Recordings are food for wolves, in this place.

I appreciated your written narrative, and you know why.
JGW and I have both posted videos here before. Haven't had any real problems with it.
What I mean is it's OK to have a private session without posting it to the Internet. Especially when it comes to kung fu.

Posting stuff to the Internet is, imho, never necessary. TikTok is a blemish on civilization, but it's taken a while to get this bad.

I've never posted a video to the Web, and I never will.
Smart man.

Don't record anything. Recordings are food for wolves, in this place.

I appreciated your written narrative, and you know why.
Recordings can be tricky. I think it's vital to add context to the video so that people know what they are looking at. And don't post "This is my mystical secret technique video" lol. Just be honest at what it is and if you goof then admit it. Bad timing then admit it. Great timing and excellent technique then admit it.

Videos that show "This is how I do...." "This is me learning or training ....." tend to go better than the videos that try to start off with expertise. If what is shown in the video is of quality then people will pick that up and would recognize the expertise. Like when Tony does he videos, it's not making it an "Expert video" he's just showing what he knows as he understands it. I think if people presents it that way, then everything else will work it's way out.

I appreciated your written narrative, and you know why.
Do you mean the Jow Ga politics?
Could you please show me the backwards jump? I have not seen it before.

To give a bit more context to how JWG used the jump during our practice:

I had caught him off guard and entered into a closer range than he wanted to play with me. If he had just stepped back normally, he wouldn't have been able to retreat quickly enough before I executed my technique. So he framed off of my body and jumped, meaning that as I moved forward I was pushing him back through the air and allowing him to get the distance he needed to escape.
What I mean is it's OK to have a private session without posting it to the Internet. Especially when it comes to kung fu.
Yep. I answered my own question. lol. Kung Fu is a tricky issue. I wish they (people who have issues) weren't like that. It's not like someone is going to become a Jow Ga master with the little that I share lol. Now I wouldn't wear a Jow Ga tee shirt during these sparring sessions. I've never done that before. If I'm going to "lose" then I'll do it with my own shirt on. lol.

But yeah. When If first posted videos, it got me in hot water with some higher ups. Mainly the senior instructor and my teacher and I was branded as "Only caring about fighting" and the training I did with Tony was far from that. Some teachers may have also been Jealous, I had one Jow Ga student ask me about how do I use the techniques. As much as I wanted to tell him, what worked for me, I had to direct him to his teacher. That little question was a "land mine."

Long story short, it was a big mess. My saving grace was a Senior Jow ga person and kung fu masters getting beat up .lol. The kung fu masters getting beat up by MMA was a big help as China and CMA schools were embarrassed. The thing that CMA schools needed most was to demonstrate that their stuff works. Some of the schools lost that validity. I'm not the best, but I was one of the few students that could be shown in the light of "hey this Jow Ga student is using applications"

I don't know if that was the case or not, It's a possibility. I just know things changed direction when the kung fu masters were getting beaten up and I didn't feel as much tension about the videos. I'm still careful about what I post because I still want to learn Jow Ga, so I try not to burn any bridges.
To give a bit more context to how JWG used the jump during our practice:

I had caught him off guard and entered into a closer range than he wanted to play with me. If he had just stepped back normally, he wouldn't have been able to retreat quickly enough before I executed my technique. So he framed off of my body and jumped, meaning that as I moved forward I was pushing him back through the air and allowing him to get the distance he needed to escape.
Yep. I think Wang showed us a forward jump. I'm trying to find an example of that jump now.
We were meeting at the fitness gym where JGW works out. I was passing through the area on my way back from visiting family.
I thought you 2 guys fought on top of the mountain during sunrise with heavy BGM.


Here is one of my favor jokes.

A MMA girl challenged a Kung Fu girl. During the fight, the MMA girl brought her boxing gloves. The Kung Fu girl brought her Guan Dao.

girl_with _boxing_gloves.jpg

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