DF: TJ Wing Chun? what do you want from a website?

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TJ Wing Chun? what do you want from a website?
By tjwingchun - Sun, 17 Sep 2006 10:50:54 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


I am in the process of developing an information Wing Chun website www.tjwingchun.co.uk what I am interested in is what YOU want to see in a website, the old site that used to be realwingchun is running at the moment but it only has written accounts of the first two forms.

TJ=ME, Trevor Jefferson, the Chinese calligraphy that resembles TJ=You, so the concept of the website is I give understanding of my Wing Chun so you can develop your Wing Chun.

TJ Wing Chun is my 30+ years of self-investigation to understand myself, developed through 20+ years of instructing to teach others to understand themselves.

Using simple knowledge of scientific principles from Newtonian physics to psychological and emotional reactions.

TJ Wing Chun is MY statement of how I understand personal body mechanics and responses in fighting.

TJ Wing Chun is not the ONE AND ONLY method of Wing Chun/Martial Art, over the years I have been encouraged by the steady growth of realistic martial arts, away from the days "When I were a lad" of the two-a-penny demigod instructors who had little behind them apart from who they CLAIMED to be taught by.

Any idiot can say, "I was taught by a Grandmaster Su Chin Such" they are still an idiot!

Using years of experience to brain wash and abuse those who walk in with open minds and innocence through your school door is in my mind never justifiable, if you are not teaching knowledge, don't teach!

Those with a lack of ability or grey matter between the ears will always be found out over the years by students who have a modicum of intelligence when their experience level gets to the point where they can make their own decisions.

As TJ Wing Chun is only an expression of how I understand my personal body mechanics related to the reality of confrontation, it is applicable to anyone interested in developing their fighting knowledge, whether Wing Chun, other martial arts, MMA, JKD or boxing.

As TJ Wing Chun, it can only enhance the skills of the individual for personal protection or competitive practices.

Over the years I have always prompted my students to ask questions, investigate other arts and Wing Chun instructors, as I feel that it was through my own questioning that led me to my level of self-knowledge.

So what I am asking of YOU again is what do YOU want from Wing Chun.


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