DF: Some Wing Chun Videos

Clark Kent

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Sep 11, 2006
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Some Wing Chun Videos
By marcus_p - Fri, 22 Sep 2006 15:18:08 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


Hi everyone,

Here are some clips from SiFu Lee's July 29th Wing Chun Open House. These videos are intended for your consideration only. Whether you like/dislike, I think its useful to see different approaches for your reference/research.

1. Basic Premise of Wing Chun
2. SiFu Lee's take on No Retreat in Wing Chun
3. Answer to defending Knife attack
4. Presentation on Wing Chun Forms
5. One example of Power training

Of course, if you have any questions, let me know, or you can contact my Lee SiFu directly via [wingchunnyc]AT[gmail DOT com] . He's very good with his email and has been corresponding with WC practitioners for years.

Enjoy/debate/laugh/ignore/question as you see fit :cool:



Defend.net Post Bot - CMA Feed
Thank You for posting these. I had heard of the school, however, I was not aware of the videos. Many things he said, like the fist in the Tan Da falling short of its target, were great. His alternate proposed wing chun response was very cool. I like his teaching style. :ultracool