dennis prager on speech control from the left


Lifetime Supporting Member
Another great column by Dennis Prager addressing the old myth that those on the right want to control every aspect of peoples lives. He addresses several points today.

Through the use of public opprobrium, laws and lawsuits, Americans today are less free than at any time since the abolition of slavery (with the obvious exception of blacks under Jim Crow).
Public opprobrium is known as political correctness, and it has suppressed saying anything -- no matter how true and no matter how innocent -- that offends left-wing sensibilities.

A woman may reveal as much of her body as she wishes. But if a man is perceived by a woman as looking too long at what she reveals, or if he comments on what she reveals, he may be fired from his job and/or sued for "sexual harassment." A woman may wear a miniskirt and crop-top, but a man may not have a calendar of women wearing miniskirts and crop-tops on his desk at work. That constitutes sexual harassment and a "hostile work environment."

Now, the left has announced that words such as "target" and "cross hairs" are offensive -- on the idiotic pretense that such imagery causes people to murder. If I were the CEO of Target stores, I would be concerned -- will my company be sued because of its name and logo?
More nonsense. What is being described is called a double standard and there are many double standards, including those from right wing politics as well as left. Anytime there is someone who thinks they know what is best for others, but they aren't willing to walk the walk to support thier talk it happens. That isn't the particular to one side of politics or the other. Given half a moment, I'm sure you could think of some from your own side of the political spectrum. Instead you would rather paint others with a certain brush to advance your own agenda, even if those you agree with are guilty of the same sin. More nonsense.
This video is from Andrew Klavan on pretty much the same topic.

I think Andrew Klavan is great and needs more attention.
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Sorry, I don't really see it from the right the way it is practiced by the left. Just think of the shootings in Tuscon, the woman wasn't even in the hospital and the left went straight for the free speech of the conservatives they oppose. they always call for Fox to be shut down, you don't see anyone on the right calling for the lefty news networks to be shut down. On College campuses you don't see the same level of silencing of left wing speakers as you do for conservative speakers, oh you will see attempts to shut down convicted cop killers like Mumia attempted to be shut down, but you really need to cross that murder line to get the right to call for cancelling a speech.

Mark Steyn, author of AMerica Alone, was dragged through the canadian courts because of his writings, so it is quite an international experience.

the fairness doctrine, net neutrality, are all from the left in order to silence the right. Just some of the things i have noticed. When Air America came into existence, Rush and Hannity both said, come on, give it a shot, while the other side continually try to silence them.
High school and college teams with American Indian names must drop those names because by definition, according to the left, they offend American Indians.

Sorry, but they do offend American Indians. :rolleyes:

His qualifying statement about the Florida State Seminoles notwithstanding (the Seminole tribe has a long relationship with Florida State, and approves of the Chief Osceola mascot) most mascots and names of this type are offensive, like Chief Wahoo of the Cleveland Indians:

Like "Little Black Sambo," (who wasn't "black") and the Frito Bandito.......
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how many places at work or such allow people to reveal as much as they like any more than a man can display his latest issue of playboy? Your logic doesnt follow, its not a double standard. Women cant reveal as much as they like while men are prosecuted for their latest 'sexiality pictures' as the fresh prince of bel-air would say.
how many places at work or such allow people to reveal as much as they like any more than a man can display his latest issue of playboy? Your logic doesnt follow, its not a double standard. Women cant reveal as much as they like while men are prosecuted for their latest 'sexiality pictures' as the fresh prince of bel-air would say.

Hooters... ^_^

And clearly, Billi is a guy, or he would know how little respect women really get who wear the short skirts and crop tops in a professional setting....

Aside from the fact that we have not equality unless a woman can go shirtless down main street without being arrested for indecent exposure.

And the latest playboy calendar shows women in those short skirts but not suggestive poses...which would be somewhat missing the point tho, that's not what playboy is about...

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