Deaf demand right to designer deaf children
Everyone wants to share characteristics with their children, inflicting a disability on them is unconscionable. Should amputees be allowed to lop of their children's limbs?
Only if they themselves were BORN amputees. (sarcastic)
This is a matter of cultural pride and heritage on the part of deaf parents (including my own) as the article states :
“There are a number of deaf forums where there are discussions about this. There are a small minority of activists who say that there is a cultural identity in being born deaf and that we should not destroy that cultural identity by preventing children from being born deaf.”
I would agree that a parent should allow their child to be born as they are intended to be born; deaf, blind, a chromosome short, autistic, cerebral palsy and so on. or be born "normal". Manipulating the genes to have a "designer child" is wrong and is against nature. Eventually if this keeps up we could get into a "Gattica" type state of thinking and will have a separation of superior and inferior genetic breeders.
A child born less than "perfect" is, in my opinion, a test to the parent. How much love, attention, caring, money will you spend on the child as you raise it? Will it be the same as with your other "normal" children? What is in YOUR heart? It speaks with the treatment of your child no matter what it's condition. It's a test for a civilized society as to how well it's cared for outside the home, when it grows to adulthood.
I know (many) deaf couples who say they would be thrilled if their child was born deaf, but they are just as happy with their hearing children and love them no less. I have also known hearing couples who were disappointed that their child could not hear well. To the point where they didn't bother to learn sign-language (or enough of it-- beyond the crude "home-made signs") so to better communicate with them as they were growing up. One woman I know actually threatened her deaf son (as soon as he was old enough to understand) that should she SEE him using any form of signs she would cut off his hands. She has since learned better once the (deaf) instructors at the special school he attended realized that her child wasn't retarded (forgive the use of the word as I know it's no longer p.c.) but had a normal I.Q. but he was so traumatized by his mother's threat that he shut himself in. Over time he eventually came out of his shell.
Now many (hearing, and a few deaf) parents are opting for Cochlear Implants in their toddler children. The procedure in my opinion is nothing more than mutilation because it requires drilling a hole in the head to put in the device. It does not always work either.
The deaf have worked long and hard for centuries to rise up to the level of the hearing, for example there are now Deaf individuals who hold Ph.D's and multiple Ph.D's in various fields. A well known Deaf man stated: "The Deaf can do anything but hear." ~ I. King Jordan Ph.D
No, I disagree with altering a child to suit the needs of the parent... before or after birth. They should be allowed to be born and raised as they are.