need your imput about starting a special program


2nd Black Belt
Hello all.

I've been gone from the site for a bit now, but I've been lurking and reading every once in a while. Thing is, I've been really busy getting ready to move halfway across the country and start my own MA School.

The input I need from you guys is this- I've been teaching special needs students for 5 years. I am a credentialed special ed teacher, and I have a lifetimes experience with special needs from my family. My sister is Autistic, my younger adopted brother is motor impaired and ADHD as well as legally deaf and blind in one eye (yeah, I know), and I am ADD myself.

Along with traditional MA classes, I plan on offering a series of MA based programs designed around specific learning disabilities. One program will be for Autistic children with gross motor impairments. Motor function issues are relatively common among autistic children and I have develped a program witht the help of the Adaptive PE teacher at my job. It's based upon Tai Chi movements and uses a lot of manipulatives (actual objects such as beach balls for example) to develop left / right, top / bottom coordination. Despite the last year of development and preperation I have yet to find any established programs specifically designed for special needs students. I'm talking about ADHD / ADD, Motor Impaired, MR, physically disabled, Autistic / Aspergers, and even ED populations

I have come across many schools that have either learned to work with these populations through trial and error, or in some cases actually sought training AFTER they find themselves with special needs students in order to better teach them. This is great and I applaud them for this, but is it possible that there is NO program in existance designed for a specific population like this?

I desperately want to find and get in touch with established programs with a history of success. I know what I'm doing, but there is no substitute for learning from experienced teachers. Currently, I'm forced to adapt what I've learned in the classroom setting to design these programs. Inevitably, there will be errors and mistakes that need to get ironed out. Maybe you all know someone - or even better, might BE someone - who's already been through this and might be able to help me out?

Thanks in advance,
I think the reason might be related to resources, special needs classes require a high staff / student ratio. Might be worth trying to get parents in the class too?

Might also be worth seeing if anyone will provide funding for you to do it, or to sponsor students.

Good luck though, I have a autistic sister as well and can definately appreciate what you are trying to do :)
Yeah, the classes would really require active parents, but the classes aren't designed to make money - the other clases will pay the bills I hope - so small sizes will be doable.

Thanks for the reply!
Sounds to me like you might be the ground-breaking pioneer in this particular field. Your experience with your family and teaching kids with disabilities has probably put you in a better position to figure out how to do this than any "program" that someone else developed might do.

Take lots of notes, publish your findings, and maybe you will develop a program that others can benefit from.
If I can't find other programs, i will definitely be developing and sharing mine. Heck, I've already spent a year on it and I 'm not even teaching anyone yet!:) (in my own school anyway)
You should contact Master Mel Steiner via his website, - he runs an established program of the type you're looking for, and has students of all ranks, up to and including black belt ranks, who have a variety of disabilities. He teaches ITF TKD.

I have a couple of students with special needs myself - one with CP and a developmental delay, and one with Down's, both adults - and am also a special ed teacher. I would be happy to pass on what I've learned, and also to send you my IV Dan thesis, which I wrote on working with students with different needs - although it may be too general, as it goes from long- and short-term injuries through the first student I mentioned.

Good luck to you!
Kacey - thanks for the info. I will e-mail Master Stiener and would love to get a look at your thesis. How can I contact you?

Thanks again,

Good luck on your move and your new school! I have a potential source of informaiton regarding special needs children. My Instructor's wife has her PhD in Child Development and they have developed a coaching curriculum for Parents and children. I don't think this is what you are looking for BUT Dr. Robyn may know of resources that might be of assistance to you. Here is the URL of their website where you can get contact info for Dr. Robyn:

I'll let her know that you may be contacting her.

good luck,
Rob Masson
Dan, you'll also want to look up the MT user "hardheadjarhead" - his name is Steve Scott and he has been teaching autistic kids and other special needs kids in martial arts for years. I saw a video of his program and he sent me an article published by Palaestra. We spent a little time talking about it - I think his approach is probably the best one I've seen from a distance.

I'm also a parent of an autistic child ... if you want any info from me, feel free to contact me as well.

Good luck!
tradrockrat said:
Kacey - thanks for the info. I will e-mail Master Stiener and would love to get a look at your thesis. How can I contact you?

Thanks again,

I'd be happy to email it to you - just PM me with an address.
Kacey said:
I'd be happy to email it to you - just PM me with an address.

Hey, Kacey! Do you think I could get a copy of that as well, please? :)
shesulsa said:
Hey, Kacey! Do you think I could get a copy of that as well, please? :)

Certainly - where would you like me to email it? Through the board? Or would you like to send me an email address? I don't know how applicable it will be for some situations - but I have had a range of students with everything from permanent back injuries to diabetes to cerebral palsy to cognitive delay.
Kacey said:
Certainly - where would you like me to email it? Through the board? Or would you like to send me an email address? I don't know how applicable it will be for some situations - but I have had a range of students with everything from permanent back injuries to diabetes to cerebral palsy to cognitive delay.

Sure, I would like a copy of that thesis too please, if I may. My instructor would like me to teach more disabled students, and I'd like some insights that could be gleaned from your papers. If this is agreeable, I will PM my email address to you. Thanks.

- Ceicei
tradrockrat said:
Hello all.

I've been gone from the site for a bit now, but I've been lurking and reading every once in a while. Thing is, I've been really busy getting ready to move halfway across the country and start my own MA School.

The input I need from you guys is this- I've been teaching special needs students for 5 years. I am a credentialed special ed teacher, and I have a lifetimes experience with special needs from my family. My sister is Autistic, my younger adopted brother is motor impaired and ADHD as well as legally deaf and blind in one eye (yeah, I know), and I am ADD myself.

Along with traditional MA classes, I plan on offering a series of MA based programs designed around specific learning disabilities. One program will be for Autistic children with gross motor impairments. Motor function issues are relatively common among autistic children and I have develped a program witht the help of the Adaptive PE teacher at my job. It's based upon Tai Chi movements and uses a lot of manipulatives (actual objects such as beach balls for example) to develop left / right, top / bottom coordination. Despite the last year of development and preperation I have yet to find any established programs specifically designed for special needs students. I'm talking about ADHD / ADD, Motor Impaired, MR, physically disabled, Autistic / Aspergers, and even ED populations

I have come across many schools that have either learned to work with these populations through trial and error, or in some cases actually sought training AFTER they find themselves with special needs students in order to better teach them. This is great and I applaud them for this, but is it possible that there is NO program in existance designed for a specific population like this?

I desperately want to find and get in touch with established programs with a history of success. I know what I'm doing, but there is no substitute for learning from experienced teachers. Currently, I'm forced to adapt what I've learned in the classroom setting to design these programs. Inevitably, there will be errors and mistakes that need to get ironed out. Maybe you all know someone - or even better, might BE someone - who's already been through this and might be able to help me out?

Thanks in advance,

Your doing a good thing Dan. We need more people like you. What part of the country are you located? My 5 year old son is mildy autistic and it can be challenging at times. Learning as much as I can about it so I can be there for him in the best way.
QUI-GON said:
Your doing a good thing Dan. We need more people like you. What part of the country are you located? My 5 year old son is mildy autistic and it can be challenging at times. Learning as much as I can about it so I can be there for him in the best way.

Thanks. I'm currently teaching and living in Los Angeles, but I'm moving after summer school ends in August. I'm moving to Austin Texas (I just want to own a house! Is that so wrong? ;) )

If there is anything I can do for you or help you out with as far as information gathering, let me know.
