can do better than that...
Oxygen is a very poor example. You can freeze it for crying out loud. And it's obvious because you're not suffocating at the moment.
BTW, I wish I could've skipped Chemistry...I hated it!
You must be gettin' gassed. Take a break and come back. LOL
It goes to the basis of knowledge and faith.
What is a fact? In absolute terms, it is what YOU can prove. One might suspect that it is what can be proven by others, but then I could 'prove' something and tell you I proved it. Would you believe me? What if I were a scientist? What if I were 100 scientists? 1,000?
So the 'fact' of facts is that at some level we take the work of others to be true, even if we have not performed the work to create the proof ourselves. I call that faith, of a certain kind.
You and I (and probably everyone here) believes that oxygen exists and we need it to survive and it can be frozen and so on and so forth.
Please note that I do not dispute that oxygen exists.
However, with the exception of some scientists here, what do we personally know and can prove about oxygen?
I can read about it. So many protons, neutrons and electrons. A certain atomic weight. It has certain properties.
But how do I know that's what I breathe? I read that somewhere else. I believe it. But I've never tested the air, I've never done the analysis. All of my knowledge about oxygen is second-hand.
I am not suggesting that oxygen does not exist. I'm not suggesting that there is a giant conspiracy to lie to everyone about what oxygen is. I'm pointing out that what we personally 'know' about oxygen is second-hand and limited, based on trust in our system of information, the statements of others, and our ability to draw general conclusions about these things.
That is not the same as having done the work ourselves. We accept the 'obviousness' of oxygen, but in reality, we are basing our belief in a trust in our systems of information. In reality, you cannot see it, touch it, weigh it, measure it, it has no odor, and we cannot sequester it on our own. We have to trust in what we are told.
Knowledge is a very sticky word. The main difference between knowledge and faith is that knowledge is justified
true belief, whereas faith is simply belief, whether justified or unjustified, true or false. However, we only know that oxygen is real because we believe the many information systems that surround us that tell us it is - for those of us who have not done the actual experiments ourselves, that is.
If knowledge often relies upon what we presume to be real - like oxygen - then it is not that far removed from what some people presume to be real - like their religion. These are points on a line, not sides of a coin.