Hi Scouse
Welcome to the Forum! Ok I'll try and start in alphabetical order with all my knowledge of Martial Arts.
Aikido is a peaceful martial art using an attackers strength against him using locks and throws and even weapons. It was founded by Morehei ueshiba (1889-1969)
Boxe Francais or commonly known as Savate: Created in the 19th century by french sailors who visited the Orient. A kicking Art with accurate kicks and hand strikes were eventually incorporated.
Chi Gung: slow moving breathing exercises that rejuvenate the body, closely linked with Tai Chi.
Dan Tien: In chinese medicine, its about 6 inches below the naval where Chi is stored.
Escrima: Phillipino fighting art with sticks. In this Martial Art students are taught weapons first and then empty hand techniques as opposed to many other Martial Arts.
Freestyle: Martial Arts that include techniques beyond their syllabus.
Gung Fu or Kung fu: Kung Fu literally translated means hard work and hasn't really that much to do with Martial Arts but it is related to anything that requires skill so Martial arts do. There are so many Kung Fu styles, and all incorporate kicks punches, various hand strikes, counters, throws , locks and holds from Chin Na. There is also weapons and training in Chi Kung, conditioning and forms.
Hapkido: Korean Art meaning way of harmony whihc incorporates many of Taekwondo's techniques, aikido techniques, and weapons.
Iaido: The Japanese Art of drawing a sword from its sheef
Judo and Jujitsu: Judo is mainly a throwing art with locks and holds which was born out of jujitsu, founded by Jigoro Kano. Jujutsu is the Art where judo was created from, only Jujutsu has kicks and punches, Kata, weapons and everything else that Judo has.
Karate: Meaning Empty hand or Chinese hand. Was created in Okinawa when the islanders were forbidden to use weapons by the mainland. Many masters founded various styles of Karate from visits in China.