Dangers of Capitalism Growing

I wouldn't go Vietnamese if I were you ... to much chance of having Rover for dinner :yeuk: {:chuckles: how about that for cultural stereotyping? :D}.
Dammit! Now I'm all hungry. Can't decide if I'm going Chinese or Vietnamese for lunch today.

Ahhh I see… my insidious plan worked :EG:

:uhohh: Hey…wait a minute…. :eek:

Now I’m hungry too :hb:


My evil plan backfired :disgust:
I wouldn't go Vietnamese if I were you ... to much chance of having Rover for dinner :yeuk: {:chuckles: how about that for cultural stereotyping? :D}.

Do I need to repeat how delicious dog is?

I guess I do. Dog is delicious.
{smugly munches on his yummy smoked cheddar on toast (with a cup of tea of course!)} :evil:

Oh and you just went WAY down in my estimation, Elder :tdown: "Boo!" at the bad man. You'll be eating horse and grasshoppers next {:sticks out tongue {in a mature way of course :D}:}.

Just goes to show that altho' Capitalism as a system for organising societies has been around for a long time, we can still have very strong cultural differences.
A friend of yours eats puppies and he's still your friend?!

He'd be brought to the attention of the RSPCA and prosecuted over here and quite right too.

It seems that today is the day that people I had a good opinion of are losing that kudos hand-over-fist.
A friend of yours eats puppies and he's still your friend?!

He'd be brought to the attention of the RSPCA and prosecuted over here and quite right too.

It seems that today is the day that people I had a good opinion of are losing that kudos hand-over-fist.

Must be Southern Chinese...they eat strange stuff :D

It is something to note tho', in light of the OP, that cultural differences tend to endure, especially in such essential things as food. The multi-nationals did have a policy of trying to make everything uniform the world over, I think. But that has changed to a more subtle mode these days as they try to 'regionalise' their businesses.
A friend of yours eats puppies and he's still your friend?!

He'd be brought to the attention of the RSPCA and prosecuted over here and quite right too.

It seems that today is the day that people I had a good opinion of are losing that kudos hand-over-fist.

Here too, but in China.....

It is something to note tho', in light of the OP, that cultural differences tend to endure, especially in such essential things as food. The multi-nationals did have a policy of trying to make everything uniform the world over, I think. But that has changed to a more subtle mode these days as they try to 'regionalise' their businesses.

Just to back up a bit to the McDonald’s menu, which as far as I know does not have dog on it anywhere in the world, I once saw a comic who was from Germany and he was talking about how you can get beer in McDonald’s in Germany

He said he was in a McDonald’s in the Southern US and he ordered food and a beer and the guy behind him starting laughing and said to him “What are you, some kind of idiot, you can’t get beer in a McDonald’s” The person at the counter told him there was no beer sold and he turned to the guy and the guy again said “You can’t get beer at McDonald’s you idiot” to which he responded “Then that means you are hear for the food”
I once saw a comic who was from Germany and he was talking about how you can get beer in McDonaldÂ’s in Germany

LOL, I think I never looked....another sign I lived too long in the US... :lol:

but seriously, why is everybody talking about food....seems like everything is turning into a food discussion lately...

<off to find some burger joint with beer>

(Like I said, dunno about the beer at Mickey D's, but they certainly served beer at the kindergarden fest...)
Pretty similar to beef if I recall correctly.

:ugh: Nasty French habit. Snails, oysters and frogs legs too :blech:! Combine that with cheeses that look and taste like they came from between someones toes ... no wonder they keep surrendering - they want to get to some good food!

{Just to be clear, whilst I genuinely might not like the foods noted (except perhaps the cheeses), this is in jest so nobody take genuine offence please}.
:ugh: Nasty French habit. Snails, oysters and frogs legs too :blech:! Combine that with cheeses that look and taste like they came from between someones toes ... no wonder they keep surrendering - they want to get to some good food!

{Just to be clear, whilst I genuinely might not like the foods noted (except perhaps the cheeses), this is in jest so nobody take genuine offence please}.

I'm offended...French Cheese...you mean...you eat Brie :uhyeah:

Try Blood Tofu and Cow Cartilage...now thats sum eatin' :uhyeah:
Surprised to come back to the list of new threads and see that this one had a lot of responses. Good it keeps MT alive and well with active postings... even if they aren't always Martial Arts related....

My desire to post the OP and "quotation" was to point out the potential of losing other cultures in favor of bowing to just one. I chose capitalism because it seems to be the flavour of the month and I chose America as right now it's what we've been doing since the 60's and 70's spreading our way of life. I know there are examples of capitalism all across the globe and not all of it is of Americanized origins... But I would say that most of it is.
But my OP is not about American capitalism it's just about cultural diversity and helping to keep it on our planet.
Japan for example used to be one of the most culturally different people in the world. Fairly isolated on their large island unchanged until the early Spanish, Portuguese, English and Dutch explorers set foot on their shores. The early explorers were shocked at how quickly one can lose their heads (literally) and the class system which separated the people in the land and how everyone seemingly got along. Samurai class and pheasants living their lives as they have for hundreds (if not thousands) of years. So seeing the rich opportunities that could be exploited (read: capitalism rearing it's ugly head) the explorers (who were viewed as barbarians by the Japanese) got a toe-hold in the name of trade and set their religion upon this barbaric land. Soon (before WWI) the Samurai culture was phased out in favor of westernized clothing, weapons, food, transportation, agriculture and so on. And while Japan is now thriving, the ancient culture that served them well for so many centuries has faded to the history books.
Change is inevitable and sometimes change is good and sometimes change just eradicates a rich history of a people. The Romans did the same thing to the northern Europeans who were tribal and (again) kept pretty much to themselves with the occasional raids.
Spain out of greed (again read: capitalism) nearly wiped out an entire culture in the Americas.
The English (among others) radically changed how African cultures had lived in just a few dozen decades.
Fast forward to post WWII and the two dominate cultures of capitalism and communism at war with each other over the ideals they each held. America got involved with Vietnam to help prevent the supposed threat of communism, when it really was just to enrich the growth of capitalism and the enormous profits that could be derived from war, a lesson learned from the previous world wars.

But I'm not trying to focus on capitalism itself per se, though it is in my topic heading it's an example of (forced) changing culturalism, the strongest example I can think of. Right now capitalism is all the rage in the middle east. The people who lived in a society of dictatorships and kings (who got rich via capitalism -- oil) are now getting tired of it and want their own piece of the "American Dream"... so they're having uprisings and wanting to throw the despots out. They woke up seeing how they're being abused and oppressed.
And here comes capitalism willing to help out. Why not stay out of it let them solve their own problems? Because it's an easy way to get a toe hold and plant your ideas, your culture into theirs to where eventually it becomes integrated and a part.
To use McDonalds as an example since it's first restaurant in 1940 it took 27 years before crossing the border into Canada and then 4 years after that it crossed the pacific (Japan). It showed up in Europe the same year and eventually landed in England 3 years later ('74). Coca-cola by the same means (if not time-line), now available in 200 countries.
What I see going on here is the inevitable growth towards a single culture a singular government via (for the moment) capitalism. Yet, you're hearing the words socialism a lot more often. The euro is now starting to show it's flaws (in Greece and Ireland) since it's attempt to create a single monetary system to make trade easier without having to worry about the value of the money changing according to supply and demand. There's talk of unifying America with it's continental neighbors.

We are on the verge of change but is it really a good thing?

(also from "The Story Of B" )
I told him about a famous psychological experiment of the late 1950's. An electrode was implanted in the pleasure center of a monkey's brain. Pushing a button on a small control box delivered an electric pulse to the electrode, giving the monkey a tremendous jolt of sheer, whole body pleasure. They gave the box to the monkey, who of course had no idea what it was but by accident eventually pushed the button, giving itself this tremendous jolt of pleasure. It didn't take many more repetitions for the monkey to catch on to the connection between the button and the pleasure, and once this happened it just sat there hour after hour pushing the button and giving itself jolts of pleasure. It passed up food, it passed up sex, If they hadn't eventually taken the box away, the monkey would have sat there and literally pleasured itself to death. Here is the question I asked back to my questioner: Was there something wrong with this monkey? Was the monkey flawed?
Nor were the early man flawed. Pushing the button of totalitarian agriculture gave them a tremendous jolt of power. It gave the same jolt of power to the people of China and to the people of Europe. It gives us the same jolt of power today. And just like the monkey, no one wants to quit pushing that button, and we're in serious danger of pleasuring ourselves to death with unending jolts of power.
This I what is meant when it's said that if the world is saved, it will be saved by people with changed minds. People with unchanged minds will say, Lets minimize the effects of pushing the button. People with changed minds will say Lets throw the box away.
As soon as the people of our culture decide to throw the box away, things will begin to change dramatically.

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