Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu

Jose Garrido

Yellow Belt
Hello to all,

My name is Jose Garrido and this is my 1st post on this forum.

My group was officially named as a mainline tradition Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Study Group under Katsuyuki Kondo, Menkyo Kaiden. This is after our seminar in October 2006 that he taught at our dojo and our 8 year relationship with him. If any of you are interested in training in authentic mainline Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu and can come to the New York City Metro Area (including NJ) please contact me via PM or email.

This is also true if you have any questins about Daito-ryu that I may help you with. I am willing to share my limited knowledge in such matters (as far as I can according to DTR decorum).

Jose Garrido
Welcome to MT, a great community, happy posting.

When you have a chance I'd love to hear how Daito-ryu compares to Nihon Goshin, the similarities and differences. Maybe in another thread.
Thank-you for the welcome.

I will try to answer your question in a brief manner then if your question is more exacting I will focus on it. Just for the record I rec'd my Black Belt from Richard Bowe in 1973 and my first Daito-ryu Black Belt in 1982.

Through the years I have discovered that NGA has many techniques in common with Daito-ryu Jujutsu more so than Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu. Some of the techniques are not found in DTR, but most are. The hitting I found probably comes from Kyokushin Karate since the oral history places Shoto Morita training with Kotaro Yoshida at the same time that Mas Oyama was attending classes. You can get a book on the style and see what I mean.

NGA uses only 2 of the basic 7 forms of AIKI as explained in the DTR Shoden teachings. As a Gendai Budo I find that NGA is quite effective when taught and practiced correctly and with vigor.

I have also found that training in DTR has made my NGA techniques much more effective and efficient.

It is always good to go to the roots. :ultracool

If you would like to experience the differences in the execution of particular techniques, please drop me a PM and we can meet at my dojo and I'll discuss it with you and show you some examples.

Of course you are always invited to join our group, if not full-time, part-time is fine since you already train. We have several members that can only come once or twice a month.

I hope that I have been of some help. Feel free to continue to ask questions on this matter.

Yours in Budo,
Jose Garrido
Hello to all,

My name is Jose Garrido and this is my 1st post on this forum.

My group was officially named as a mainline tradition Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Study Group under Katsuyuki Kondo, Menkyo Kaiden. This is after our seminar in October 2006 that he taught at our dojo and our 8 year relationship with him. If any of you are interested in training in authentic mainline Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu and can come to the New York City Metro Area (including NJ) please contact me via PM or email.

This is also true if you have any questins about Daito-ryu that I may help you with. I am willing to share my limited knowledge in such matters (as far as I can according to DTR decorum).

Jose Garrido


Welcome to MT, next time you see Derek Steel, kick him and say Butthead sends his love.

Will do.....I'll probably see him this Sunday. He has a small group training on Sundays in Philadelphia.

Jose Garrido
Mr. Garrido, Just thought I'd welcome you to Martial Talk. I'm a student of NGA under Sensei Rick McCraw in Roanoke, Va. I look forward to piocking your brain about the similarities between and differences of NGA and DRAJJ. As soon as I manage to get a little sleep and put together a coherent question I'll post it. Enjoy your time on the board. We have a great community going here.
Thanks for the welcome. I hope that I can be of some help by sharing my past 42 years in ths Aiki arts. Incidentally I also hold Dan ranking in Hakko-ryu Jujutsu. This came about as I was searching for Daito-ryu. At one time I thought that if I could mix my NGA and HKR that I could get a better insight into DTR.....that was a mistake :-(

Yours in Budo
Jose Garrido
Thanks for the welcome. I hope that I can be of some help by sharing my past 42 years in ths Aiki arts. Incidentally I also hold Dan ranking in Hakko-ryu Jujutsu. This came about as I was searching for Daito-ryu. At one time I thought that if I could mix my NGA and HKR that I could get a better insight into DTR.....that was a mistake :-(

Yours in Budo
Jose Garrido
I've always thought that anything I did that I could learn something from was never a mistake. As for mixing arts when I first began studying NGA I had just left a kenpo school a week earlier and it took forever for me to stop mixing the two arts together. I'll tell ya, though, the kenpo back ground certainly helps with the atemi.:)

Have you found that the DRAJJ has made your NGA a bit more efficient or that you find yourself using more atemi as a result? For that matter, how do you feel about the use of atemi in technique with aikido in general and NGA specifically?
In Aikido, Uyeshiba himself stated that it was 99% atemi as written in Saito senseis traditional Aikido books.

In true rapid street situations atemi is great and should be practiced vigourously. Both Hakko-ryu and Daito-ryu use atemi in generous doses. As far as DTR improving my NGA...well yes, but since NGA is mostly (not all) DTR, I just doing my DTR. The same goes for my HKR (however the philosphy of HKR v. DTR are dramatically different).

After 4 decades in the Aiki arts, my personal conclusion is that YES they can be used as a way the develop yourself and be in harmony with nature, but let us remember that they are based on the ability to efficiently and beautifully kick-butt. If you cannot kick it with your techniques then the core is off. You must learn to unbalance the individual and totally control them, then and only then can you decide to be merciful and peaceful. But, that's just my opinion.

Just one more thing. Most NGA people think that having/doing AIKI is all about blending or doing the (so - called) Ki exercises. This is simply not true. As I have stated before in the Shoden teachings there are 7 types of AIKI that are taught.

Jose Garrido
They can be found in the book by Kondo sensei called Hiden Mokuroku-Ikkajo.

But briefly here is a list:
1. In no Dori
2. Atemi
3. Kokyu
4. Yuudo
5. Kyo
6. Oyayubi/Koyayubi
7. Yo + Yo

NGA uses mostly Atemi and Yo + Yo (maybe a little Yuudo) and my experiences with Hakko-ryu told me that it uses mostly Atemi and Yuudo with a little Oyayubi/Koyayubi.

Each one of the 7 types of Aiki is evident in the execution of the Tachiai techniques of the Ikkajo series and it is very important that each student of the mainline traidition understands this very well. This is because we are supposed to be learning and doing Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu and not Daito-ryu jujutsu.

Does this help at all?

Jose Garrido
They can be found in the book by Kondo sensei called Hiden Mokuroku-Ikkajo.

But briefly here is a list:
1. In no Dori
2. Atemi
3. Kokyu
4. Yuudo
5. Kyo
6. Oyayubi/Koyayubi
7. Yo + Yo

NGA uses mostly Atemi and Yo + Yo (maybe a little Yuudo) and my experiences with Hakko-ryu told me that it uses mostly Atemi and Yuudo with a little Oyayubi/Koyayubi.

Each one of the 7 types of Aiki is evident in the execution of the Tachiai techniques of the Ikkajo series and it is very important that each student of the mainline traidition understands this very well. This is because we are supposed to be learning and doing Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu and not Daito-ryu jujutsu.

Does this help at all?

Jose Garrido

Not yet, but as soon as I do some research to get a tranlation it will :) , and now I have a book recommendation.
1. In no Dori= Moving in when the attacjer is inhaling
2. Atemi= Strike to unbalance the opponent
3. Kokyu= Ridirect by using your breath power
4. Yuudo= Lead your opponent
5. Kyo= Use an element of surprise
6. Oyayubi/Koyayubi= Use the rotation of your hands and wrist
7. Yo + Yo= add power in the direction of their power

This is very simplistic but it will give you a start.

Jose Garrido
Simplistic perhaps, to those who have studied for many many years. I've only been studying NGA since May of '03 and still have years to go to understand the most basic of concepts. Every time I have an epiphany about something I'll enjoy it for a month or two and realize I've just barely scratched the surface. The list you've given us will provide me with a great deal to think about. Thank you.