Current chinese martial artists not as good as Jet Li, Vincent Zhao?


Yellow Belt
I grew up watching chinese martial arts movies, and Jet Li and Vincent Zhao's martial arts are just absolutely beautiful.

Movies like Fong Sai Yuk where they both sparred, amazing. Others like Tai Chi Master (that fake taichi was beautiful lol). They both played Wong Fei Hung at different times, and their martial arts was beautiful as well.

Current martial artists like Yuan Xiaochao (taichi zero) and others also have very beautiful martial arts, but IMHO have nothing on Jet Li/Vincent Zhao. Is it something to do with filmography, different styles, or has the quality of chinese martial arts (showmanship, not fighting capability) dropped? Or is it just me?
So you're asking about the quality of modern CMA practitioners, but you're really talking about the aesthetics of movie fight scenes?

I'm just going to sit back and pull out the popcorn for this discussion. :rolleyes:
...their martial arts was beautiful as well...

Current martial artists like Yuan Xiaochao (taichi zero) and others also have very beautiful martial arts, but IMHO have nothing on Jet Li/Vincent Zhao. Is it something to do with filmography, different styles, or has the quality of chinese martial arts (showmanship, not fighting capability) dropped? Or is it just me?
Their martial arts or their movie acting arts used in fighting scenes?
I'm not seeing any "real" martial arts. I'm seeing gifted athletes with scripted choreography & weird angles of view ... like always.

And the athletes/actors are doing what the choreographers/cinematographers are mapping out for them to do. Maybe you should be questioning the skill of the lensman or aesthetic translation between screen writer/choreographer/director?
That was kind of what I was looking for, maybe choreography has evolved to "cooler" angles to evoke an artistic flair lol.

Actually both the quality of movie choreography and demonstrations for Olympics and such. I've already explained movies, go take a look at jet Li's long fist demonstration from 1989 or sometime around there. I still haven't found another long fist demonstration as beautiful.
"Real martial artists" Is a BS notion that Is up to interpretation. Anyone who trains in martidl arts even the yellow belt at the local mcdojo is a real martial artist. Just because someone doesn't train what you consider to be real martial arts doesn't mean anything. It's like the saying "real men/women do...." Men/women/martial artists are as diverse as anyone. I don't agree with the way some groups approach fighting And I'll let it be known from time to time here in various threads but I'd never say they aren't martial artists, to me such a claim is highly insulting. If you want to share thoughts and critiques go ahead, but offer details and a frame of reference. A fighter won't appreciate performance wushu, and a combatives enthusiast may not recognize the talent of a fighter in a reality situation but we are all surely martial artists.
I grew up watching chinese martial arts movies, and Jet Li and Vincent Zhao's martial arts are just absolutely beautiful.

Movies like Fong Sai Yuk where they both sparred, amazing. Others like Tai Chi Master (that fake taichi was beautiful lol). They both played Wong Fei Hung at different times, and their martial arts was beautiful as well.

Current martial artists like Yuan Xiaochao (taichi zero) and others also have very beautiful martial arts, but IMHO have nothing on Jet Li/Vincent Zhao. Is it something to do with filmography, different styles, or has the quality of chinese martial arts (showmanship, not fighting capability) dropped? Or is it just me?
When it comes to movie fight scenes you can't go past Jackie Chan.
Since we're talking about movies, I've been meaning to ask; Is there really a Japanese crab technique?

Don't get me wrong here, I like Jet Li movies and he was trained in Traditional and Modern Wushu but talking about his Long Fist and saying it is beautiful and then of you are using that as the scale to judge long fist could be very wrong or very right depending on your POV.
If you are talking traditional Wushu then it is very wrong. If you are talking Modern Wushu then you are very right.

So it all depends on if you are talking about traditional Chinese Martial Arts or stage Chinese Martial Arts (for performance only)
Don't get me wrong here, I like Jet Li movies and he was trained in Traditional and Modern Wushu but talking about his Long Fist and saying it is beautiful and then of you are using that as the scale to judge long fist could be very wrong or very right depending on your POV.
If you are talking traditional Wushu then it is very wrong. If you are talking Modern Wushu then you are very right.

So it all depends on if you are talking about traditional Chinese Martial Arts or stage Chinese Martial Arts (for performance only)

Xue has pretty much nailed it. To take it a step further when you start using the words "real" or "beautiful" you need to understand that you are using subjective terms. And once you enter that realm it real becomes a matter of POV based on your personal experiences. Nothing inherently wrong with that, just remember that it is a "personal" view.

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