Yellow Belt
I grew up watching chinese martial arts movies, and Jet Li and Vincent Zhao's martial arts are just absolutely beautiful.
Movies like Fong Sai Yuk where they both sparred, amazing. Others like Tai Chi Master (that fake taichi was beautiful lol). They both played Wong Fei Hung at different times, and their martial arts was beautiful as well.
Current martial artists like Yuan Xiaochao (taichi zero) and others also have very beautiful martial arts, but IMHO have nothing on Jet Li/Vincent Zhao. Is it something to do with filmography, different styles, or has the quality of chinese martial arts (showmanship, not fighting capability) dropped? Or is it just me?
Movies like Fong Sai Yuk where they both sparred, amazing. Others like Tai Chi Master (that fake taichi was beautiful lol). They both played Wong Fei Hung at different times, and their martial arts was beautiful as well.
Current martial artists like Yuan Xiaochao (taichi zero) and others also have very beautiful martial arts, but IMHO have nothing on Jet Li/Vincent Zhao. Is it something to do with filmography, different styles, or has the quality of chinese martial arts (showmanship, not fighting capability) dropped? Or is it just me?