Curious: What's your goal with MA?

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i would have to say that my goal is develop a better mind, body, spirit, and soul.

the fighting aspect comes in last.
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

I intend to continue to train in kenpo until I reach Black Belt, no matter how long it takes. To show those people who doubt me and lack any kind of support or respect to see me reach my goal.

My close friends, that I trust, are going to help me. One day I will have a Black Belt and be proud. :D


I'm with you on this one. My immediate large goal is a b.b. I know
I'll stay in M.A. once this is acheived, but I'm not sure of the goal
at that point. I think maybe some cross training, that I can
hopefully bring back to my school and teach a little. As well as
learn how to be a GREAT instructor in kenpo. These are the
possible goals.

People talk about how you shouldn't make your goal a b.b. but
the fact is that a LOT of people, especially non m.a.ists see that
as a feat! I want to set an example for my 5 month old baby
(princess) girl, that you should set goals for yourself, and do
whatever it takes to accomplish them. The goal for myself
also stems from regret, as a young teen. I was a VERY active
boy scout, and I actually acheived all the requirements for my
eagle scout, with the exception of minimum time in at other
lower ranks. Well in the "board of review" for life scout (the
rank just before eagle) I got railroaded (in a teen's eyes) because
of a lack of parental involvement. I didn't get awarded that
rank that day, and in am imaturish fashion, I decided to never
try again. I focused on other parts of boy scouts (O.A. for any
former scouts) and was pretty successful at it. But I still regret
and probably always will regret not pushing, fighting, struggling,
and doing whatever I had to do to get my eagle scout. And I can
never change it! I spent a long time in scouts, being very active.
I'm 33 years old now, and my closest friends were there with
me from 12 - 18 years of age. We talk about scouts often, and
I know someday my daughter will ask .. "dad, did you get your
eagle?" :(
That's a shame about the Scouts! I know what you mean though with kids, having two of my own. I now train mine and it's a real thrill. They enjoy the time with Daddy and I know I'm giving them a useful skill and self-confidence as well. My son lifted me tonight on a throw--he's 12 and he had a huge smile on his face.
Originally posted by Kirk

I'm with you on this one. My immediate large goal is a b.b. I know
I'll stay in M.A. once this is acheived, but I'm not sure of the goal
at that point. I think maybe some cross training, that I can
hopefully bring back to my school and teach a little. As well as
learn how to be a GREAT instructor in kenpo. These are the
possible goals.

People talk about how you shouldn't make your goal a b.b. but
the fact is that a LOT of people, especially non m.a.ists see that
as a feat! I want to set an example for my 5 month old baby
(princess) girl, that you should set goals for yourself, and do
whatever it takes to accomplish them. The goal for myself
also stems from regret, as a young teen. I was a VERY active
boy scout, and I actually acheived all the requirements for my
eagle scout, with the exception of minimum time in at other
lower ranks. Well in the "board of review" for life scout (the
rank just before eagle) I got railroaded (in a teen's eyes) because
of a lack of parental involvement. I didn't get awarded that
rank that day, and in am imaturish fashion, I decided to never
try again. I focused on other parts of boy scouts (O.A. for any
former scouts) and was pretty successful at it. But I still regret
and probably always will regret not pushing, fighting, struggling,
and doing whatever I had to do to get my eagle scout. And I can
never change it! I spent a long time in scouts, being very active.
I'm 33 years old now, and my closest friends were there with
me from 12 - 18 years of age. We talk about scouts often, and
I know someday my daughter will ask .. "dad, did you get your
eagle?" :(


Similar things happened with me in the Scouts also. Can you change it? Nope? But ask yourself this question, Are you happy with yourself? If so then that was just one of the experiences the create the Kirk of today. If the answer is no, then ask why and address the issue there. But, remember you can not go back and change it, so do not waste more time worrying or obsessing about it. Go forward and make a difference in your own life as you think you should ;~).

Just a side note: It was quite embarrassing and funny when I knew more and could do more then the average scout of my age, and I did not have the 'scout training' and definitely not the rank. I look back now and smile. But that is just me.

Have a nice day and a good post on your goal being a Black Belt just like Kempo Girl. It is a goal. If it is your only goal then Martial arts is most likely not for you in the long run. But, as the immediate goal that gives you something to concentrate on, it is a noble goal, IMO.

Best Regards

To promote the our system and keep it alive by passing on the knowledge I have aquired over the 3 decades of training in it.

That should be the goal of any martial artist, but that's my on opinion on that.
I never really had a specific goal when I started M.A is just something I love to do.I don't plan on stopping my M.A training it's something I've decieded to make a lifelong commitment to. Now that I'm back in I have a few short term goals one is to get skilled enough to begin wooden dummy training so I have a good reason to lay out $1,000+ for a wooden dummy for myself:D
Great thread. Before I earned a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, my goal was the black belt (someone mentioned that before) and to be able to defend myself (I thought the two were the same). However, since then, I've explored other martial arts (and did other martial arts at the same time) and saw how good people were and was also able to be more realistic about my own training and assessment of myself.

In any case, some general goals would be:
1) To improve my ability to defend myself.
2) To improve my physical fitness.
3) To improve my general "spirit." I guess part of this is enjoying myself, being relaxed, being confident.

Some other goals include:
Becoming an instructor. I taught TKD within my club in college, but I guess this is more of a "I'll know when I'm ready" type of thing. Earning an instructorship under my current instructor is one thing I aim for, but "knowing" that I am ready is the main goal. I think this takes some maturity (three or four years ago I probably thought I was ready, now I know it will take much longer than I thought).

Of course, I think martial arts is about the journey, not just the goal of the journey, so I hope to enjoy the journey and get the most out of it.

As we train and learn and reach our goals, I think we'll find that we're automatically making new goals to go for. From the people I've met on this forum, I think it's a lifelong pursuit made up of many little goals, and some big ones that we may never reach, but I'm sure we'll have fun trying.

Cheers and thanks for reading my long post,
When I first started taking Kempo, my goals were kind of obscure. I wanted to understand movement and the body, to help me in drawing the figure (it worked!). Then the self-defense element moved up to the top.

After I was in it for awhile, and learning more and more about martial arts, I became quite fascinated, and I think my goal shifted to the mental aspect. There was so much to learn!

These things are still important to me, but I think the main goal is different. Kempo has been the most important thing in my life as far as spiritual development, so my goal is to continue to grow in that area.

I have more mundane goals, such as passing my upcoming black belt test, but more importantly is to live up to the rank. Being a black belt will mean that I'm finally a serious student, and it will be the start of a loooong road. My goal is to live up to that, continue to learn, and to keep Kempo an important part of my life.

Other goals include..
- standing up straight
- getting a new hanbo (my old one mysteriously disappeared, I think someone turned it into a towel rack)
- learn to juggle flaming sticks

This thread kinda threw's been so long since i had ANY actual goal in studying MA. It's just something a that i do, and can't seem to stop - not that i want to.

I have short term goals, like learning something completely outside the sphere of my experience (and there is a LOT of that).

Good luck to everyone on their respective goals.


Hey all,

Actually to tell ya the truth.. when i first stared taking MA a few years ago.. I really had no goal.. just to get my lazy butt out of hte house and get some exercise... BUT i have grown to now realize that my goal is to be a student and learn forever.. you never stop learning i believe in MA.. SO why QUIT???
a little over a year ago.. i had a bad back injury. .which forced me to stop training.. even when I recovered.. i still couldn't go back to my original MA (aikido) I felt a tremendous loss in my life.. like i was thrown.. No.. FLUNG off my lifepath.. until i discovered Hapkido\Kosho Ryu... My life has done a 360 since then... Im addicted to MA... And i never want to stop..So i guess that is my goal.. no quitting...
Just put it on my gravestone when i die... MA LIFER!!!:asian:
When I first started taking Kenpo my goal was to learn how to defend myself if I ever need to. Now it has changed to eventually getting my black belt and sharing what I have learned with other people. I hope that one day I can reach that goal of getting my black belt. I am going to try.
Solid Tiger.... I think the question Gou shoulda asked you is are you very young? Cause in all your posts you just seem like your coming from a kids perspective on things....which might look mentally disabled coming from an adult. But anyway, when you say things like "my goal is to create my own style" its really kinda arrogant and insulting to say because most of us on these boards are very good martial artists I'm sure, some with decades of experience but we don't presume to think we can create our own martial art because we are so godly and know so much.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
well maybe so... but a goal is a goal. I don't think any of us know solidtiger well enough to judege the depth of that goal or his understanding of martial art and as such I don't think it's realy fare to make assumptions.
this is going to sound cheesy to some of you, but...

my goal is to retire quick in order to open an academy that is not run for profit, just for learning. i would like to aid young people in finding their path in life and teach kindness, honor and respect.i would also like to help folks reach their physical potential. the handicapped, the elderly,even couch potatoes.
there would be no dues, no testing fees, any money would go right back into the school, maybe to build a dorm for summer camp or to establish new locations with similar foundations. life is short, what good is it without a little bit of sharing?
That sounds awesome theneuhauser, not cheesy at all and I wish I could do something like that too....kinda hard when you live off running a martial arts school but don't charge very much... I gotta come up with a better way to live that dream or win the lottery!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
no doubt, dm

running a school is a labor of love, not profit. and cheers to you for holding it together. i have never officially opened a school, and the commitment involved is too great, also there is so much yet to learn. my hope is that if all goes well, then maybe i can teach the less fortunate that way.
That does sound like a great goal! In my school, the instructors don't get paid, and I know I've found it very reassuring to know that my instructors are very devoted to their teaching duties ^_^

I think it's an admirabe goal, and I hope you reach it!