crosstraining the other side


Senior Master
Some of you have done crosstraining with sucess, I just want to know some facts.

1.-Afther crosstraining have you leave your main martial art and focus on the new martial art? yes? no? why?

2.-Have you reached black belt status or arned a black belt in the new martial art you have crosstrained? yes? no? why?

3.-Did you leave the martila art you are corsstraining and returned to your main martial art? yes? no? why?

4.-Do you think or feel the crosstraining you did/done was a good thing? yes? no? why?

Let me tell you about me, trying to enrich my TKD I did kenpo karate crosstraining, it was fun and I learned good self defense techs (that's what I wanted) in some point I thaugth it will take the place of my TKD and I could go forward and meybe earn a black belt in kenpo, however there were some factors that desapointed me, first the set of forms (kata) in kenpo karate sees to me arcaic or not realistic, second sparring it is diferent from the sparring I am get used to.

Kenpo Karate was a great experience to me, in fact I think I could go back to dojo kenpo once in a while when the sensei settle in his new dojo and would like to train with the guys in a relaxed way, not pushing myself to get a new belt.

Would I like to do crosstraining again? You bet. I think there is so much to experiment and learn and maybe I can find a new martial art that hook me the way TKD did in a long term on time.

Some of you have done crosstraining with sucess, I just want to know some facts.

1.-Afther crosstraining have you leave your main martial art and focus on the new martial art? yes? no? why?

2.-Have you reached black belt status or arned a black belt in the new martial art you have crosstrained? yes? no? why?

3.-Did you leave the martila art you are corsstraining and returned to your main martial art? yes? no? why?

4.-Do you think or feel the crosstraining you did/done was a good thing? yes? no? why?

Let me tell you about me, trying to enrich my TKD I did kenpo karate crosstraining, it was fun and I learned good self defense techs (that's what I wanted) in some point I thaugth it will take the place of my TKD and I could go forward and meybe earn a black belt in kenpo, however there were some factors that desapointed me, first the set of forms (kata) in kenpo karate sees to me arcaic or not realistic, second sparring it is diferent from the sparring I am get used to.

Kenpo Karate was a great experience to me, in fact I think I could go back to dojo kenpo once in a while when the sensei settle in his new dojo and would like to train with the guys in a relaxed way, not pushing myself to get a new belt.

Would I like to do crosstraining again? You bet. I think there is so much to experiment and learn and maybe I can find a new martial art that hook me the way TKD did in a long term on time.


I'm not a TKD guy, I do Kenpo, however, I do crosstrain, so I'll toss in my .02 :)

1) I began training in Kenpo. Thats my base art. I also do Arnis. I'll do some grappling when I can. I have not left Kenpo. IMO, theres no need to leave. Everything that I do, for me, blends very well.

2) Yes, I have my Black Belt in Arnis. BJJ...really no desire to test. I just enjoy leanring. :) Who knows..maybe in the future.

3) No. See my reply in #1.

4) Yes, absolutely! IMHO, its made me a more well rounded martial artist. The Kenpo has provided me with some excellent standup techs. The Arnis has further enhanced my weapons work. The BJJ has gave me a much better understanding of the ground. Like I said, they all blend together very well, and no, I have no problem with transitioning between arts. I can easily start a Kenpo tech and finish with Arnis.
Some of you have done crosstraining with sucess, I just want to know some facts.

1.-Afther crosstraining have you leave your main martial art and focus on the new martial art? yes? no? why?

Nope! I love TKD and always will.

2.-Have you reached black belt status or arned a black belt in the new martial art you have crosstrained? yes? no? why?

Not yet. Just haven't been training long enough in it yet.

3.-Did you leave the martila art you are corsstraining and returned to your main martial art? yes? no? why?

Training both.

4.-Do you think or feel the crosstraining you did/done was a good thing? yes? no? why?

Sure it was, I like it and that's enough for me.


Crosstraining Judo alongside my TKD. Not really even similar arts.
1.-Afther crosstraining have you leave your main martial art and focus on the new martial art? yes? no? why?

Started in TKD as a kid years and years ago. The TKD system I studied was mostly striking with lots of sparring. I eventually became dissatisfied with certain aspects of it such as pattern study and the relative lack of close range technique. This period of time coincided with my graduation from high school and since I had a trust fund and indulgent parents I did nothing for years and years except move around North America (mostly) and study various martial arts.

I eventually settled on Okinawan Goju-ryu (Jundokan) karate and then later added aikido (Aikikai).

2.-Have you reached black belt status or arned a black belt in the new martial art you have crosstrained? yes? no? why?

Although I have a smattering of knowledge in many systems, I've only earned BB ranks in Goju (4th), aikido (2nd), Shorin-ryu karate (1st), and TKD (2nd). I continue to have high interest in all martial arts and I enjoy learning and practicing with martial artists from all walks of life, traditional or not, highly ranked or not.

3.-Did you leave the martila art you are corsstraining and returned to your main martial art? yes? no? why?

Sort of. I teach a version of TKD heavily influenced by my studies of karate and aikido with some judo thrown in for good measure. It's become a liberating vehicle for me to experiment and teach the best martial arts I can without outside expectations from others on what the curriculum should be.

Incidentally, I am interested in buying an established commercial school from a friend and this likely would mean a resumption in studies into conventional TKD to avoid transition for the existing students.

4.-Do you think or feel the crosstraining you did/done was a good thing? yes? no? why?

Of course. I am far more nuanced now. Sure, part of it is just time and consistent study, but if I had stayed in my original system there would have been many technical concepts and physical techniques I would have never been exposed to.

But now I understand the limitation was more in what my teacher at the time could offer. TKD need not be a constraining term. It is my goal to teach personally a TKD that most anyone would be happy and pleased with studying for life.
Manny over the years I have done Karate, Judo, Jujitsu, Kempo, Hapkido, Combat Hapkido, Kung Fu, Boxing and some dance classess just to be fair. Have tried Gymnastic and loved to run. But I have always stayed true to TKD over the years, it is in my soul and it is what I love. Doing other arts has helped me understand why I keep coming back to TKD, plus it has allowed me to move forward in ways that I really cannot explain.

Some of these other arts I hold rank, some I do not and some I just do to to help me remember why I love TKD so much. Over the years the body change and certain things are not in my position anymore bu the core of TKD is and that is why it will be my base art forever.
Nyce replies all, bailando solo (dancingalone) I really envy you in a good way, you had crosstrained in several martial arts and had achieved nice ranks, Terry like you said, TKD to me even it's not perfect in the way is taught these days has inbended in such a way in my art that is a big part of me, that's why I return to TKD ever, TKD is much more than kicking to me.

I like to experiment and learn new things, I consider myself a student of life (life embraces everything I do and want to do), that's why when I started in Kenpo even I liked a lot I did not trow away the TKD classes/dojang, crosstraining to me is to grow in my expertise and learning, I think I will never get rid of TKD, but I can learn new things inside other martial arts.

So let's keep sawering this post guys, I really apreciate all that you can share with me in this matter.

1.-Afther crosstraining have you leave your main martial art and focus on the new martial art? yes? no? why?

Yes. Originally I only intended to study Taekwondo to learn how to defend against kicks. But then I realized I liked KMA better than JMA, Shotokan specifically, because I felt it was stiff unbending and did not allow for creative expression like KMA does.

2.-Have you reached black belt status or arned a black belt in the new martial art you have crosstrained? yes? no? why?


3.-Did you leave the martila art you are corsstraining and returned to your main martial art? yes? no? why?

No. See answer to number 1.

4.-Do you think or feel the crosstraining you did/done was a good thing? yes? no? why?

Yes, I believe cross training is good. Most of us who grew up through the Bruce Lee era feel that cross training is a good idea. If it was good enough for Bruce Lee, it was good enough for me.
I feel cross training in a grappling art if you are a striker and vica versa can be an enriching experience.

My first MA was Judo 1971-1972 segwayed into TKD in 1972. In 1975 a Ju Jitsu guy came to the TKD school to improve his strikes. When we saw what he could do if he got a hold of us we decided to learn the stuff.

1975 went to college and found a TKD Hapkido School and spet 2 years there. Found the Hapkido enhanced many Ju Jitsu joint locking techniqes. Returned hime from collee and stayed primarily with TKD enhancing it with Ju Jitsa and the instructor became head of the USJA Ju Jitsu division. Ultimately earned rank thru him

Spent some time in the boxing gym to improve hand skills and being in Chicago was fortunate to have a plethora of visiting instructors give seminars in all manner of things, Hapkido, Ju Jitsu, Kickboxing, pressure points etc. which I attended when possible.

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