Cross Training

Do you believe Cross trainiang is beneficial or detrimental to your skill?

  • Detrimental

  • Beneficial

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Originally posted by ace

I agree that i am consintrating on what works.
I agree that if the basic's take longer than a year
My instructer wants my money.
I agree that there is no 1 art with all the answers.

:argue: I agree that i have struck a nerve

LOL, no you haven't "struck a nerve", I'm just curious as to your logic. If the basics of several styles work for you thats great. I don't see how learning basics of several styles is goign to help you, but more power to you there friend. I think you should not put a time limit on your MA skill, it takes ALOT longer than you think it does. May I ask how long you have studied MA in general? And saying one art doesn't have the answers is a bit closeminded, wouldn't you agree?

On & off since 4 or 5 im 27 now
Im 27 now but i've been
traning hard for the last 5 years
So how many systems have you studied, I'm not trying to sound sarcastic, I'm seriously curious.
I've studied Kung Fu exclusivly since I was 7 so I am very biased!:D

7 if U inculde Boxing & Wrestling
Im perticuli good At Submisson Grappling
I have only 1 Black Belt & that is in Modern Arnis.
See I really respect you guys that train in many systems, you can really fight, you can take down pretty much anyone. I just go about it a different way. I enjoy the "tradition" and the forms, along with the fighting. And it pisses me off crazy when people make the assumption I cant fight because I only study one system, it makes me want to show them!!

I'm not saying you did that, just venting a bit :D

Cool U are a Martial Talk Brown Belt.
I love & respect all Martial Arts

I feel there is always some thing new for me
to learn.

I've always believed that it is at the black belt level where you truly start learning. Everything under black belt rank is "basics". And it takes a heck of a lot longer than a year to earn a black belt.
for me 1 ta 3 belts is basic
3 & higher Are intermidiate.:yinyang:
Heh, I was talkign about the Martial talk brwon belt. :D

Yeah, I think black is basically the next step after basics

Black is when you really start getting the technique to instinct. Then you start expanding a bit. Its amazing that there is ALLWAYS more to learn!!

In my style the "basics" are learned from novice to green (min time 1 year) After that, you work on them until they are instinctive, while adding more advanced techniques to your repetoir, as well as learning to teach the basics to others. By Shodan you've learned more or less the entire art, and are encouraged to come up with your own variations on techniques.

Since a Shodan in my style MUST be or have been a sensei, the learning process doesn't stop there, as anyone here who has taught will know.
My students learn to defend them selves today
Cause tommorw never comes
:snipe2: :snipe2:
If U look up
I said Martial Talk brown belt
:drinkbeer :cheers:
Originally posted by ace

If U look up
I said Martial Talk brown belt


Yeah, I was more directing that to Nightingale. Just clarifying my post a bit.


I feel that I've grown quite abit as a martial artist since I've cross trained. In my book there is no comparison, but that is just me.
Originally posted by 7starmantis
Do you believe cross training in differnet arts is beneficial or detrimental to your art or skill?
I think its detrimental in that you do not get a chance to really "master" each art.


I think it depends on how it's done and the person doing it.

Rather than retype a bunch of stuff I've previously written, check out my article: "Some Thoughts On Cross Training" at my website -

The only reason I'd say to cross train is to get a better understanding of what your oponent is going to try to do. From grappler to wrestler and then martial artist to various styles, the more you know from different styles the better equip you are to counter what they throw at ya. Just my opinion
Originally posted by Greggers69
The only reason I'd say to cross train is to get a better understanding of what your oponent is going to try to do. From grappler to wrestler and then martial artist to various styles, the more you know from different styles the better equip you are to counter what they throw at ya. Just my opinion

There's something of that there. But, for me, what I primarily get out of cross training is a deeper understanding of my primary art. By looking for the similarities, I get different perspectives on the same material. These different perspectives of the same concepts/principles help to deepen my understanding of those concepts/principles which then translates to a deeper understanding of my primary art.

Where they don't overlap, my overall knowledge is broadened.

Also, as an instructor, I'm watching how people teach. How do they communicate the concepts/principles. So I get that from cross training, too (and, of course, from watching instructors in my own art as well).

Cross training is very beneficial. It is the reason most of my students have left what I term one dimensional schools. I teach stand up and grappling/ground fighting.

Good to be well rounded. One should always seek to improve in training.


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