Creating a very light weight, collapsible baton - feedback needed

Checking back on this thread - I found a lightweight aluminum hiking pole, modified it so it would collapse down to be about arm length. I haven't tried bashing a coconut with it, but it is three sections collapsed into one, super light, and ok to carry virtually anywhere, especially in community full of hikers and hiking spots.
Checking back on this thread - I found a lightweight aluminum hiking pole, modified it so it would collapse down to be about arm length. I haven't tried bashing a coconut with it, but it is three sections collapsed into one, super light, and ok to carry virtually anywhere, especially in community full of hikers and hiking spots.
I have a pair of those. Too light to "bash", but can whip or stab OK.

...could hurt the other guy too.
Carrying a baton during summer months wearing basketball shorts got to be too much so I started carrying a tactical pen. If you want something blunt but light a tactical pen or Kubotans are easier to carry, even a tactical flashlight. I've also seen bottle opener Keychain like the bone breaker which are basically hidden in plain sight brass knuckles and 100% legal. In the fall and winter I'll carry my batons again but in hot weather you need something more lightweight sometimes. Also if a baton is too lightweight like extremely light weight don't expect it to do much damage.
Carrying a baton during summer months wearing basketball shorts got to be too much so I started carrying a tactical pen. If you want something blunt but light a tactical pen or Kubotans are easier to carry, even a tactical flashlight. I've also seen bottle opener Keychain like the bone breaker which are basically hidden in plain sight brass knuckles and 100% legal. In the fall and winter I'll carry my batons again but in hot weather you need something more lightweight sometimes. Also if a baton is too lightweight like extremely light weight don't expect it to do much damage.
I have a sap coin purse called a hot tamale that I carry on my belt. Mean Gene Leather | MGL “Hot Tamale” V1 Coin Purse
I have a sap coin purse called a hot tamale that I carry on my belt. Mean Gene Leather | MGL “Hot Tamale” V1 Coin Purse
I've seen some of those type of things on ebay, honestly it's a genius idea, where I live it's a crime to carry a sap but one of those coin purses would probably be legal because it's not just a weapon it has other non weapon use. The laws here on non firearms weapons can be tough sometimes, but the firearms laws are great if your into that type of stuff, I'm personally not really into firearms anymore. But damn it would suck to get hit by one of those coin purse saps filled with quarters owww!
So you’d advocate carrying something larger and more immediately lethal? A sword, perhaps?
This is how I look when I go out of my front door.

I've seen some of those type of things on ebay, honestly it's a genius idea, where I live it's a crime to carry a sap but one of those coin purses would probably be legal because it's not just a weapon it has other non weapon use. The laws here on non firearms weapons can be tough sometimes, but the firearms laws are great if your into that type of stuff, I'm personally not really into firearms anymore. But damn it would suck to get hit by one of those coin purse saps filled with quarters owww!
I spoke with Mean Gene on the phone and he says the most concentrated punch you can get is to fill it with dimes. He cautioned though it is better to have various denominations in case the police open it and pour it out. Plus, day to day you tend to need various denominations so it's very handy that way.

Either way it is heavy, no doubt in my mind a single solid whack on the head would put anyone down for quite awhile.
Hello, fellow martial artists.

For a while now, I've been scouring the web for a truly lightweight, collapsible baton, and I keep coming up empty. Even the highest quality models are relatively heavy, and too long to practically conceal.

I'm disappointed to find that no one is making them from carbon fiber or extremely lightweight aluminum. I realize both of these materials can bend or break on impact, but actually hitting someone with a baton in self-defense, to me, is akin to a bicycle accident while wearing a helmet. Once you crash with your helmet, you replace it.

The closest thing I can find what I'm looking for is a collapsible hiking pole. Has anyone seen, or built, anything like what I have in mind? Unfortunately, I am not handy enough to modify a hiking pole to suit my needs.
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