Create a Kata.

When you "create a kata" you are really creating an ENBU...a martial performance.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by performance. At least based on my gut feeling, at least for me, I disagree. But it really depends on how you create it, and for what purpose.
The only difference between they and I is the famous part. Plus this kata isn't exactly serving the same purpose as theirs. It is a fun way I can practice all of my techniques in a manner that flows together.
Are you creating kata from the kenpo self defense techniques?
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by performance. At least based on my gut feeling, at least for me, I disagree. But it really depends on how you create it, and for what purpose.
I disagree. You play a role, even if only God is watching. :) (God heard the tree fall in the forest, therefore we can all agree it made a sound)
Well now I'm going to disagree with you here. Anybody can create a kata. Whether or not that kata has any value, is worth practicing, and will be successfully passed along and continued by the next generation, is an entirely different issue.

If could be a misguided waste of time.

And not all of the older kata were created equal. I have experienced some kata that, in my opinion, were very poorly designed and are very problematic. So not all of the earlier generation of folks who created the kata that are now in the curriculum of all systems, were equally good and equally deserving of respect for the material that they left behind.

The exercise of creating a kata can be a good one. The results may or may not be good. The results may be valuable for the creator, even if it never survives to be passed to the next generation. It really depends.

I'd disagree with me, to. And I agree with your whole post, all of it.

I was trying to be facetious (my writing skills need some serious work) But I wasn't trying to be sarcastic, because it's a serious subject that means a lot in our world.
I'd disagree with me, to. And I agree with your whole post, all of it.

I was trying to be facetious (my writing skills need some serious work) But I wasn't trying to be sarcastic, because it's a serious subject that means a lot in our world.
I have this theory that if I go out into the world and ask for exactly the opposite of what I want, I would never want again. o_O
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by performance. At least based on my gut feeling, at least for me, I disagree. But it really depends on how you create it, and for what purpose.

If you do not know what I mean, how can you either agree or disagree? How does how it is created have anything to do with anything?

You can start by looking up what an ENBU is.
Never really tried myself. I don't see the point as I'd just be reshuffling the movements that are already found in the old kata.

It can be fun to choreograph a fight with a partner and I occasionally have my students do this. I guess that's a kata of sorts.

Doesn't this statement make you wonder what one of the reasons for putting the fact same pose or posture in different kata at different points preceded by or followed by different poses or postures???
Never really tried myself. I don't see the point as I'd just be reshuffling the movements that are already found in the old kata.

Perhaps by reshuffling the movements and placing them in between different stances, strikes, blocks you would learn how to transition better.
Perhaps by reshuffling the movements and placing them in between different stances, strikes, blocks you would learn how to transition better.

This would allow freedom of choice of appropriate action during a confrontation...
I started doing this the day before yesterday and I must say it is a lot of fun, it is definitely a breathe of fresh of air from all the bag work and drills I been doing in and out of the dojo. It is also helping me with balance and over all technique, I know not everyone here like Kata but for those of you who have done it and or enjoy it, have you ever made your own before?
I've been working on developing kata for Shojin-ryu for about 18 months. Give me another 2 or 3 years, and I might be happy enough with them to teach them to students.
Because Katas were created by guys, probably men, people who were doing and teaching Karate. You know, Karate guys. Guys who were doing Karate, living Karate, breathing Karate, dedicating their life to Karate, teaching Karate.

Let's have no misunderstanding here, these weren't just your everyday guys, these were guys who were both laser focused on, dedicated to, and well know in, Karate, then, and well known in Karate now.
And what makes them different from the folks who are focused on it today?
Perhaps by reshuffling the movements and placing them in between different stances, strikes, blocks you would learn how to transition better.

That assumes (without any real basis for the assumption) that the existing forms don't already do that.

This would allow freedom of choice of appropriate action during a confrontation...

If you think that forms limit your choice of actions, then I think you have a profound misunderstanding of forms.
That assumes (without any real basis for the assumption) that the existing forms don't already do that.

If you think that forms limit your choice of actions, then I think you have a profound misunderstanding of forms.

I swear, sometimes I think I am in a groundhog opposite day...did I not say that this allows for freedom?
I swear, sometimes I think I am in a groundhog opposite day...did I not say that this allows for freedom?

You said that reshuffling moves allows freedom of choice. I'm pointing out that you don't need to reshuffle anything to have every bit as much choice.
You said that reshuffling moves allows freedom of choice. I'm pointing out that you don't need to reshuffle anything to have every bit as much choice.

I do not disagree with your statement...I was simply stating that "reshuffling" provides freedom. What is more appropriate is that all kata were designed to be able to "portal" from one posture or pose to any other at any other point in any other kata...imagine the possibilities there...
No...your comment really did not make any sense to me. You say you disagree but admit to now knowing what I was referring to.
I was taking a stab at the possibility that you were referring to kata as something like performance art. For me, that is not what kata is.

But at the same time I realized I wasn't quite sure if that was what you meant, and invited you to clarify.

I apologize if my message wasn't clear.